Chapter One: Awakening

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Haelid's fingers ached as she crushed the last of the dried leaves into the stone mortar. She'd been mashing and mixing various herbs and liquids since dawn. It was now sun set, but Haelid hadn't dared stop to rest, eat, or relieve herself. Mora had given her specific instructions on how many elixirs, salves, and tonics to have ready by the end of the day. She didn't want to imagine the punishment that would come if she didn't. Mora had been out since she'd woken up. The list of what she was to do was left in her room. Haelid had no idea where Mora had gone but, she couldn't help the overwhelming relief she felt when she realized she wasn't home. Haelid didn't know where she'd went, but she couldn't quite bring herself to care much. She couldn't muster the energy to care much about anything lately.

The thoughts slipped her mind as her stomach growled. Haelid finished the last of her work and carefully placed the jars onto the shelf along with countless others. Haelid made her way down the stone stairs by candlelight and into the kitchen adorned with ornate furniture and silverware she wasn't allowed to use. She sighed appreciatively at the scent of chicken stew and freshly baked bread. She filled her wooden bowl with broth and cut off a generous helping of bread as she silently thanked Jamarious, Mora's husband. He was the one who did all of the kitchen work and tended to the animals. He, unlike his companion, held compassion in his tired eyes despite the circumstances. The stew was warm, but Jamarious was nowhere to be found. Haelid was too busy filling her stomach to ponder where he'd went.

Haelid frowned at the slight tremor in her hand as she brought the spoon up to her mouth. Her attention then shifted to scars, burns, and bruises on her brown arms. Mora, her caretaker, had an abysmal temper. Whenever Haelid was too slow, made a mistake, or even looked at her the wrong way, Mora didn't hesitate to strike the girl.

Haelid jumped at the sound of the front door slamming shut. Her stomach clenched at the sound of heavy foot steps slowly making their way towards her. Haelid immediately made her way to the sink, empty bowl in hand. It was likely Mora would reprimand her if she didn't look busy. "Idle hands are the dark lord's play things," she'd often remind her.

Mora strode into the kitchen with an unnatural grace. Her silver hair flowed behind her and bright red eyes darted around the room before resting on Haelid who had kept her head down as she dried her hands.

"Have you finished your work girl?" She asked coldly staring down at the twelve year old before her.

"Yes," Haelid said quietly, voice hoarse from disuse.

"Look at me when I speak to you girl," Mora demanded.

Haelid's head instantly snapped up to meet the immortal gaze. Her wicked beauty made hair on her arms and neck rise. Those eyes, those bright red eyes tugged on her instinct to run. Just as it had when she'd first encountered her. Every bone in her body begged her to get far away from the witch towering over her. Mora's icy stare turned more unsettling as she lifted the corners of her lips into as smile, feasting on the terror in the young girl's eyes.

"You're such a good girl. So strong," Mora said crouching down to stroke the Haelid's cheek then dark curly hair. "You've always been my favorite."

Haelid felt as if her heart would burst out of her chest, her palms damp in fear of the witch before her. The woman who had taken her off the street and into her home. The woman who provided a roof over her head and food to eat. The witch who found any excuse to throw these facts into her face whenever she disobeyed. The witch who found any excuse to beat her whenever she had the chance. The woman who provided her with a haven and damned her to hell by the unspeakable things she'd forced her to do. Despite herself, Haelid forced a smile at the woman she loathed with all her heart

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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