Leo x Reader PT. 1

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Pairing: Leo Valdez X Reader (kinda platonic for now)

It had only been a few weeks since you arrived at Camp Half-Blood, but you knew you weren't going to stay long. You never did. You had been taken from your mother around the age of 10 and had bounced around foster care homes that never lasted long. You knew not to get attached to people, because sooner or later they would turn on you.

You calmly sat at the (G/P) eating breakfast. You say away from the rest of your siblings, not being close to them.

After you finished you threw your trash away and went to the cabin.

You had never unpacked your bag, many of your siblings asked why.

You always answered with a shrug.

You pulled a picture of your mother and looked at it.

Your mother had been knocked up by a god, and soon after she lost her job, couldn't pay rent, and you had to move out.

You both lived in her car for a while, before you were out in foster care.

You hadn't seen her since.

You put the picture back into your bag

You were planning on leaving that night.

You grabbed "your" sword and walked out of the cabin to training.

Everyone loved your trainer, Annabeth, but you didn't see any reason why.

You just saw her as a stuck up "chosen one of the 7" you didn't really like any of the 7, except Percy, hazel, and frank.

Hazel and frank never visited camp due to being Roman.

And you absolutely hated Leo. He was such a flirt.

"{Your Name}. Are you paying attention?", Annabeth snapped.

"This is life or death.", she said.

You nodded and started copying the other campers moves.

"Very good.", she complimented the group.

After practice you left and went to the forge.

It always gave off that homey feeling you loved.

You were originally from the south so you loved the warm atmosphere and loved the smell of the fire and smoke. It reminded you of the bonfires you shared with you mother in the forest when she sometimes took you camping in the car.

You sat in the corner and quietly opened your journal to continue writing.

"I hope I'm not bothering you, but why are you here.", you heard the all to familiar voice of the Latino elf.

You glared up at him. "Writing.", you said shortly.

He nodded. "You havent been here long have you? I've seen you sass of Annabeth a few times during training, but that's it.", he said.

"I've been here for a few weeks. But I'll be leaving soon enough. So, Annabeth is Annabeth.", you stated going back to writing.

"What? It's not even July yet.", he said confused.

"Don't stay in the same place long. I'll be leaving again.", you said snapping your journal shut.

"Why is that?", he asked.

"You don't get it. After I was taken away, I never stayed long enough to love anybody or for someone to love me. I don't want to be here anymore. I hate it.", you said as Leo sat next to you.

"Listen. I know how you feel, but you can't let that effect your choices.", he said looking at you.

"I can. No one here could love me. Not ever my so called siblings. This is just temporary. Just like the other homes. The only person who rlly cared was my mom.", you said starting to get up, but he pulled you back down.

"I know how you feel. My mom died and I never stayed in one place too long. It kept the pain away-running.", he said looking away recalling the memories.

"But you don't get it! My mom isn't dead. She's out there. Maybe I can find her again. But I can't do that here!", you said.

"It's not like it'll matter. No one here could ever love me.", you said keeping the tears at bay.

"Listen, I'll make a deal with you. You stay till the end of july when the summers over. If you realize you rlly matter and want to stay, you stay. But if you don't I'll help you find your mother. Deal?", he asked hopeful.

"Fine.", you said shaking his hand.

He smiled brightly. "Good."

You then realized, maybe he wasn't as bad as you thought.

Maybe he'll be a character in your book that you're writing about.

Mmm, what if you wrote about their adventures.

Word count: 798

HoO characters X Reader Where stories live. Discover now