××Chapter Four××

Comincia dall'inizio

"Guess I'll see you in the evening then"



Damon's POV

I sat on a branch eating breakfast, I mean eating an apple, yeah that's my breakfast for today. I had spent five hours just sitting here, waiting for her to show up. I was a fool to not have asked about the time we're meeting but I don't care as long as I'll get to see her, I'll still be cool with it if she showed up at midnight and she'll still meet me here unmoved.

I didn't sleep all night long, I'm sorry to say that I spent the night on that tree, the one outside her cabin but I don't regret it. I was only looking out for her, what if rogues or something else attacks them? I'd be there to help, it's my responsibility to protect her. I won't be able to live if anything happens to her. And I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to, so don't judge me.

It was the little things she did that chipped the walls around my heart bit by bit until she had all of it in the palm of her hand. Things like the way her eyes lit up when she sees food, the different expressions on her face when watching a movie, the peaceful look on her face when listening to Adele and everything about her. I learnt a lot about her yesternight.

I want us to be together forever. I want to tell her that I'm a werewolf but I'm scared of what her reaction would be. I want to tell her everything, make her understand, mark her and claim my property today but I can't, I will but not today. Never force the vibe, let it come organically.

"There she is" I said to myself, smiling. I watched with keen, examining eyes as she makes her way towards the stream like damn, just look at her, who wouldn't fall in love with her. I smirked wickedly, I'd like to see someone try. I'm sorry to say but I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. She's mine, only mine.


Aaron's POV

I spent the night thinking about my cousin, does she even have a name? I mean she wasn't even named when Tauriel took her but she ought to, whoever it is that she stays with most have given her a name, it's not like they are going to be calling her "unnamed" or something as ridiculous as that or worst.

I'm just worried about her. What if the guardians already know about this? What if they had already sent someone after her? they are the guardians, they see beyond the wall. I don't want to think about that, she is alright, she has to be, safe and safe at least for us, for her family.

I don't remember falling asleep but I sure as heck was woken up by a loud bang on the door and a kick on the chest.

"Wake up sleepy head, I can't believe you fell asleep" Layla huffed with arms crossed on her chest. She was giving me that look of hers that I hate.

I just lay there, facing the ceiling. It is on days like this that I ask myself "Are you sure that you want another female cousin?" I hope the other one is nothing like this savage here.

"Are you getting up or do you want another one of my morning dose" she meant every word, she would do that again.

"You don't have to" I said getting up, I wasn't up for any drama today.

"I thought so too" she said with a smirk plastered on her face, trust me all I want to do right now is rub that smirk off her face but like I said I ain't up for any drama.

"I don't like you, you know" I said grabbing my bow and quiver which I strapped onto my back.

"Of course, not everybody has to like me, I can't force you to have good taste" she said nonchalantly checking her finger nails out.

 Shadowmantle:The ElfinMage Saga Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora