Chapter 9 - Reunion

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"I'm nervous."

"Don't be."

"But how will I explain this to them?" Hermione sighed exasperatedly and looking away from the people on the platform, turned around to look at him in the eyes; she had a mini heart-attack. Merlin, those eyes. She could get lost in those stormy gray, teeming-with-danger orbs that were his eyes, for hours.

Hermione didn't know where these feelings were coming from. It was so ironic, that if it were happening to someone else, she might have even laughed. Hermione Granger, first class bookworm, Gryffindor, having a crush on Draco Malfoy, her best friend's nemesis, the Slytherin Prince for Merlin's sake.

Then again, she thought, a few months ago I wouldn't have even considered being his friend.

The sound of his smooth voice broke her chain of thought.

"Aren't they your best friends? They'll understand."

"My best friends your sworn enemies. Ginny might understand, Harry would probably throw a tantrum and not talk to me for a week, but he would go back to normal. It's Ron I'm worried about."

"What would Weasley do?"

"What he did with Victor. He'll get jealous and start acting like a huge git."

"He is a huge git. Who cares about him anyway?"

Hermione opened her mouth to answer but then for some reason, Merlin only knows, her eyes flickered down to his lips. A chill went down her back and she took a sudden deep breath.

She remembered the feeling of those manipulative lips in hers and she felt such a rush of desire, she felt she could faint.

I have to stop feeling like this, Hermione chided herself.

She wasn't sure right now what he felt about her. She had expected him to talk about it, after that day in Diagon Alley, but he never brought it up, and she never knew what to say.

"Hermione! Are you listening?" For the second time that day, his voice brought her back to earth.

"Huh? No, it's just that he's been my friend since first year. I don't like fighting with him. Or Harry."

Before Draco got a chance to reply, Hermione spotted the bright crimson locks of her only female friend amongst the crowd.

"Ginny!" She cried and ran forward to greet her friend.

"Mione! I missed you so much. Why didn't you write to me during summer? Whatever, it's ok. Dean Thomas sent me flower that makes you think of the sender whenever you smell it. Pity I'm allergic to flowers. Still it was very sweet! But Ron had to and spoil it by crushing it up and throwing it on the ground. I swear he's the most bloody annoying brother I have!"

The sight of the frenetic ginger was so familiar to Hermione, (unlike everything else that had happened this summer) she almost forgot about Draco standing a few feet behind her, looking at Ginny's outburst with an amused and half-sarcastic smirk on his face.

"Umm, Hermione, is Malfoy with you? Why's he smirking at you?"

Hermione's huge grin was wiped off her face, and it was replaced by a sheepish smile instead.

"Well, that's a bit difficult to explain. You see –" Hermione started but was cut off by her best friends' sudden friendly attack/hug from behind. Oh no, this is happening too fast!

"Mione! How are you?" Harry's voice was cheerful and light. His fringe of dark hair was obstinately covering his scar, like a natural face-clearing charm. She had tried to magic it neat one day, but it did not work ("I can't believe it didn't work!" "Well, it doesn't look like you're exceptional at beauty charms, so..." "Ouch! What'd you slap my arm for?" "You deserved it.")
"Hi Harry!" She replied, hoping, although fruitlessly, that he didn't notice Draco and that the matter could be delayed and dealt with later.

"Wait. Why are you here?", he asked, a bit angrily, Draco.

Hermione mentally facepalmed. Now, let's just hope Ron doesn't come right now...

"Hey Hermione! Wait a sec, why's Malfoy looking all smug standing next to you?"

In Ron's words, 'bloody hell'...

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