Chapter 2 - Mudblood Scum

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Hermione is pacing the length of her room.
How could they hide something as important as this from me?
She could not believe that her parents had hidden something like this. She had always thought of the Malfoys as her sworn enemy.
And now this?
What was she supposed to think? She glances at the clock. It reads 5:57. The Malfoys could be coming anytime now. Sure enough, the doorbell rang as soon as the thought came to her mind. Great, she thought.
She didn't go downstairs till her mum came to call her. "Dear the Malfoys are here, come down.", she smiles and says, as if it was perfectly normal.
Hermione opened her mouth to say she won't come, then decided it was of no use. They'd make come down some way or the other anyway.
"Fine, whatever, I'll come,"Hermione groaned and rolled her eyes. She started making her way down the stairs.

As she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she sees Draco Malfoy. The first thought that goes through her head is,  Woah, he's changed!
Seeing Draco looking so No, no, no. I am not attracted to him.
Good-looking maybe, Hermione decides, she suddenly becomes aware of her sort of messy hair and loose t-shirt that says, ' I AM AWESOME AND YOU CAN'T BLOODY DENY IT ', she
self - consciously runs her hand through her hair to make it look tamer.
Wait, what am I doing? Why am I trying to look good for Malfoy?

She stops trying to better her appearance and sits down on the sofa in the living room, while fake glaring at Draco. Wait - fake? No it's real. Narcissa says, "Hello dear." Hermione doesn't reply and continues scowling at Draco. Draco returns the gesture. "Okay, I know you two aren't on the best of terms, but you'll have to at least try" says Jean, Hermione's mum. "If you think I will associate with a mudblood scum like
her - you're wrong. And yes I know she's not a mudblood, but for me she was, she is, and always will be a mudblood."says Draco.
For some reason, those words really stung Hermione. Does he really think I'm that bad? Well of course he does, he's Malfoy. Why am I having these conflicted feelings?
"Draco! That's rude!" says Narcissa.

Narcissa's voice snaps her out of her stupor, and she regained her façade and said,"I don't care what this foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach says about me!" 
"Enough you two!" says Hermione's mum, sounding irked.

"Draco, I know you two have had your differences in the past but I expect you to be civil with one another, if nothing else. I'm not asking you to be the best of friends." says Narcissa.

"The most I can do is talk to...her. If your expecting anything more than that - tough luck." says Draco.

"Great. Hermione, you'll do the same, won't you?"

"I can try... But if he insults me or anything else, I'll go back to normal."

"Why that's all we need. Now, we'll send you over to each others houses so you can try to be friends, agreed."

The reluctant teenagers begrudgingly agreed.

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