18: Hold it in

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That afternoon, Ali was on her living room, resting on the couch after washing the dishes. Despite her mom's threats, she still wasn't "home", if you could even call it that. Suddenly, a few knocks on the door made her stand up. It was Spencer, who invited herself in by rushing into the room anxiously.

"Guess what?" Spencer asked, not being able to hold it in.

"You got into college."

"I wish... Hey, that's not it. Ian got fired."

"W-what?" Ali's palms started to sweat. "Did you tell anyone about-"

"No, but Kirsten Culler did. Apparently, after you scared Ian away, he got himself another prey. But that prey ended up being a hawk, who flew him right into Hackett's office."

"If she's a hawk, then what am I?"

"A pussy?" Spencer blurted out. "Wait, that's not important. Did you hear me? He. Got. Fired."

Ali finally processed her words, feeling relief until she remembered he would still be hanging out next door.

"The timing was perfect. I told Melissa and then Ian came in, announcing the news. Melissa asked why and he said the girls on the team had something against him. Then we shared this epic, knowing look."

Alison blinked, not being able to believe it. She was free.

"I should tell Emily, too." Spencer started heading out the door.


"Yeah. She was the one who told me that I should tell Melissa."

Alison let Spencer leave after that, shocked. But of course Em did, Em was smart like that. Alison should thank her.

Wait. Ali stuck her head out the window. "Did you call me a pussy!?"


The next morning, Alison arrived early at school, something she hadn't done since she skipped class on Monday. She was laying her back on a locker, but not her own. Suddenly, the owner approached her.

"Hi, Ali."

"Hey, Em." Alison slid her hand from Emily's shoulder to her arm. "Thank you."

Emily frowned. "F-for what?"

"Melissa and Ian broke up."

"Oh. Yeah, Spencer told me." Emily didn't know if being part of the reason of a breakup was a good thing, but Ali's warm palm on her skin told her it was.

"I feel so happy." Alison grinned, showing her dimples.

Emily stared at her lovingly for a moment, but then reminded herself she shouldn't. It was weird. "So... my mom said yes about the sleepover." Ali did a little spin of success. It seemed so carefree, Emily had missed that about her. Since Ali had come back from her vacation on Hilton Head, she'd looked like she had a chip on her neck.

"It's going to be so much fun. I can't wait!"

Suddenly, Emily realized she was still holding her books. She opened her locker now that Ali wasn't laying on it and placed some of them inside. Emily looked back at Ali. "I can't wait, too."

Around six, Emily shivered outside Ali's house. She was so nervous. But why? It was just another sleepover with her best friend. No, it wasn't. It was their first sleepover since Emily realized she had feelings for Ali. It was scary, but Ali was still Ali. She'd make her feel better. She'd transport her somewhere else. A world where it was only them. A perfect world.

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