"The comparison with serial killers was unnecessary," Eleazar remarked, following her inside the sweet shop while also holding on to the container of her salad.

       Effie snorted, picking up a packet of almond crackers, "And yet we both know the most fatal way to kill and how to make a murder look like a heart attack."

       "That would have to be the crime fictions that we continue to read."

       A lady, who was also shopping for sweets, looked at them, horrified. Effie shot her an innocent grin, and Eleazar a polite nod, although instead of being assured, the lady beelined out of the shop at once.

       "I'm about as intimidating as a butterfly," Effie frowned, picking up a box of green lollipops and cream cheese mints.

       "Because talking about killing techniques isn't questionable at all?"

       "What if it was a metaphor?"


"Lillian Euphemia—"

"—ah, my sleep paralysis demon," Effie says sardonically as she blinked groggily at Pansy, who was laughing at the end of her cot.

Pansy scowls, "Wake up, lazy bones. Uncle Eleazar says we've to fetch water."

Effie whined into her pillow, "It's four in the morning, why can't he get it?" She complained.

"It's seven in the morning, Phemy," Eleazar rolled his eyes as he strode in, looking distressed as he tries to figure out what the hell kind of pan was to be used. "And I've to cook us up some edible morning breakfast."

"Yes, because you would have some miracle luck in cooking," Effie huffed, throwing her legs over the edge of her cot. "Let Pansy and I do the cooking—"

"—and risk you being distracted by the fire and end up burning our tent down?" Eleazar raised an eyebrow.

"None of us know how to cook, Effie," Pansy adds. "I mean, couldn't we just call the muggle food delivery then get on with it? We are trying to look like normal muggles after all."

After much persuasion, Pansy actually did come to a conclusion that hating muggles were pointless because the wizarding world were missing out a hell lot from the muggle world.

(Though only around Eleazar and Effie Stark would she let that slip, after several Christmases and summers she ended up staying in their home.)

       (Pansy's parents never questioned it though, they were so busy at the Ministry and Eleazar Stark was also Pansy's godfather—so it was a win-win situation every time.)

Eleazar looked relieved, "If I end up burning the food on my next try, I'm calling Papa John's. Then you two can just go and fetch it."

"Oh, thank god," Effie rolled her eyes, and glared at Pansy. "So you woke me up for nothing, Pansy."

       "The Weasleys are arriving soon, thought you'd like to know," Pansy snorted, yanking Effie's blanket off. "Sleep later. . . but I suppose if you want to look ghastly when you see Weaslette, I can't—"

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