Home Again

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Emily's POV

  Ahh it feels good to be out, free to do whatever the hell I want now. I waited for my mom at the airport, she was late, as usual. But she works in New York so I kinda had to wait for her to get off her plane too. I sat there thinking of everything and what it's going to be like going back to school tomorrow. People are going to talk, but I really don't care. Lost in my thoughts I looked up to see my mom sprinting through the airport to get to me.

"Oh my goodness, my baby girl! Oh I'm so happy to see you!" She said excitedly.

"Heh, it's good to see you too mom, you didn't have to fly back, I could've took a taxi home." I replied flatly.

"I know, I know. I was just excited to see you! Sadly I'll have to fly back early tomorrow morning for work, so I won't get to see you off to your first day back at school" she frowned. "It's okay mom, I know you have to work." I smiled at her.

"So what would you like to do today? We can go out to eat, or go to the movies, or both?" "It's whatever, I don't care." "Well I see your attitude didn't change!" She jokingly said. "Yeah" I said not really caring. I love my mom but she's never around, she's always working. She basically lives in New York, I only ever saw her every two to three weeks before I left. I didn't mind though, I had the house to myself, it was peaceful. My mom could've visited me while in juvie, but she only came to see me twice. Her excuse was 'I have to work sweetie'. Whatever.

"So what do you want to do, sweetie?" She said trying to get a taxi car to stop for her. "I told you, I don't care" I watched as she struggled to get a taxi to stop for her. I walked over beside her and stuck my arm out for a taxi. Three stopped dead in their tracks. "I don't know how you do it?" She said as we climbed in the back of a taxi.

  I think it's cause people see me as 'scary' looking. I didn't think I was that scary. I mean I'm pale as a ghost, with freckles all over me, I don't see why people didn't see me 'cute as a button' as my mom would say. Ugh, she makes me sick sometimes. I use to envy her, she was gorgeous, my mother was tall and skinny, long blonde hair that flowed down her back, she was tanned, and had brown eyes, she always wore dressy suits for work, she always done her makeup very light tones.

  I was nothing like her. I was short and curvy, long red hair that flowed, but not like my mothers because she used a shit ton of hairspray. I was pale with freckles, and had bright blue eyes. My clothing style consisted mostly of black, not all black, but mostly, with combat boots or converse, jean jacket, just kind of grungy I guess. I was still 'girly' I guess you could say, I loved makeup, I wore a lot of makeup, that people said it looked way ahead of our time (picture 2017 grungy makeup) I didn't care though, I liked the way I looked.

(Pick which one you like for this chapter, this is kinda her style)

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(Pick which one you like for this chapter, this is kinda her style)

My mom and I sat in silence the whole ride home to drop our things off, well my mother threw our things in and told me to sit in the taxi, she wanted to go see a movie. When we got there we paid for our tickets and went inside, 'Friday the 13th' was what we decided on. My mother hates scary movies, but she knew that's what I enjoyed.

After the movie we went out to eat, no where fancy, just the local diner in Derry. My mother had a salad, as for me, a nice delicious burger and fries. When we were finished we walked home, it wasn't very far so neither of us minded. On the way there many people were giving me stares, in fear almost. I tried to be nice and smiled at them, but nothing, I'm use to it so I really didn't give a shit.

I got home grabbed my things that my mother threw in the door and headed upstairs to my room. I walked in and saw everything was just the way I left it, I could tell my mother had been in to clean it occasionally, but it was still the same. My room wasn't frilly and pink like most girls' rooms. It was painted a nice grey shade, it was simple. I went into my bathroom and decided to shower.

  I slipped on a baggy AC/DC t-shirt and some underwear. I crawled into my cozy soft bed and thought about school tomorrow. How would people react? Oh I couldn't wait to see everyone's faces. I spent the rest of the night thinking about everything, I soon drifted off to sleep and prepared myself for my first day back at school.


A/N – sorry this is a short chapter, hopefully the next will be longer. I hope you like it, I can't wait for you guys to see what happens in the next chapter. I already have so many ideas!

If you like this story so far, be sure to vote, and don't be afraid to comment and tell me your thoughts! How do you think everyone will react to Emily being back? Btw check out my other work too.

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