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Unknown POV

I wake up again and feel this really nice tingly sensation going up my arm. I turn my head slightly and see someone's head on the bed and their hand holding mine. I try to ease off the bed without waking them up but the second I move his head shoots up. I come face to face with that super hot guy, what's his name? Oh ya it's Darren. We stare in each other's eyes for a while but when he goes to speak I remember what happened and freak out. I jump out of the bed and try making a beeline for the door but Darren catches me by the waist and holds me to his chest with his face snuggled between my throat and shoulder. I hear him take a deep breath and stays that way for a while. I try struggling but can't get out of his grip so I end up just standing there with a few tears coming out here and there. Darren pulls back and picks me up walking out of the hospital.

We walk for a while before a really big house comes into view. I admire the house and then he leans into my ear and whispers "do you like it little mate? Because it's ours." I look at him like he is crazy but don't say anything. I've remained quite for the last 10 years because I finally figured out when i was 8 if you don't talk the beating isn't as bad. I kind of get lost in thought because the next thing I know is I'm being shaken. I finally look up and see Darren looking at me worriedly. He goes to say something but seems to think better of it because he shuts his mouth. He sets me on a really comfy couch and disappears. I let myself relax but it only lasts a minute before he comes back in. I tense back up. I hear him sigh before he plops on the couch by me too close for comfort. He asks me if I'm hungry and I nod to get him out of the room faster. He leaves and I sprint out the door. I don't know how to change into a wolf so I just run in my tiny human form. I'm not very big maybe 5' but Darren now he is super tall probably 6'3". Why am I thinking of him. I'm brought out of my thoughts by an arm wrapping around my waist. I thrash violently but in the end can't get out of his grip. He picks me up and takes me back to the house. When we get there he just goes straight to his bedroom. I start freaking out. Oh no he can't want that I can't do that again!!!!!!! It was so painful!!!! I start hysterically sobbing and manage to break free from him. I run into the bathroom and slide down the wall still sobbing. I vaguely hearDarren banging on the door but I'm already submerged in my memories.

It was 5 years ago and it was when I got the terrible scar on my back. He told me to make dinner but I guess I didn't make it fast enough because he poor led the boiling water in my back and threw me to the ground. He stepped on my back and wouldn't let me up. He made me stay there for an hour in agonizing pain. Then he let me up and acted as if nothing happened gave me ointment for my back and told me to get some rest but what came later is what has scared me mentally for the rest of my life...

I hear wood break and suddenly Darren is I front of my he picks me up and cradles me to his chest. He says soothing words in my ear as I cry and cry. He takes us into the bed where we cuddle and at that moment I wasn't afraid. But I couldn't stop crying.

I wake up to a voice talking in my head... What? Hello Scarlet it's me your wolf.
My wolf? Why are you in my head and why did you just come out a few days ago and why did you kill him...? And is that really my name He always called me bitch or scar.
Scarlet he was a horrible man and I couldn't help you before because we were so weak but I finally was able to break through and kill him. And that is your name I was just never able to get strong enough to tell you until now. Now listen to me you need to trust Darren he is our one and only and just wants to love us. Please listen to him he will tell you the truth.
Ok but I don't think I can do that. He scares me so much. He is so big and could easily do what He did.
But he won't please trust me.
I'll try.

After my mental discussion I tune back into the world and see Darren staring at me with.. A weird emotion in his eyes. I just shake it off and scoot a little farther from him because h was very close. "So Scarlet..." He stops because I jump back and stare at him confusingly. He chuckles a little and says "your wolf told my wolf she also told me some valuable information."
What she told him what happened oh no no no I can't deal with someone knowing that I have to get out of here!!!!! Hey I only told him you don't know anything about werewolves I'll let you tell him the rest since you are the one who endured it. Ok?
I mentally smile and tune back into what Darren was saying. He was asking if I was hungry. Isn't that a trick question I was hardly ever allowed to eat. When  I don't answer he just picks me up like you would a kid and takes me down stairs. He starts cooking breakfast and I get lost in my thoughts. The last thing u remember thinking was hmmm this might not be so bad then something awful happened.......

Cliff hanger! I'm sorry I'll do another chapter soon I promise!!!!

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