Part 4

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I've taken a liking to the lazy kid.

"Hey, Shikadai?" I ask him.

He hums in response.

"Why are you friends with Boruto?"

He thinks for a bit, "I guess he's loud and obnoxious. An idiot. My polar opposite but he's easy to handle. He's a good kid but he's annoying too. He's amusing and entertaining. Also because our dads are friends." he explains.

"Hm, makes sense. But doesn't he get too annoying?"


"-SHIKADAIIIIIIII!!!!!" I hear an all-too-familiar voice yell. I groan in annoyance. Such a nuisance, he is. 

I roll my eyes seeing Boruto trip on the stairs. He glares at me.

"OI, what are you looking your eyes at!" He glares.

"You." I respond.

Sarada chuckles.

"You're an idiot, so I'm rolling my eyes at you."

Boruto fumes. He then smirks.

"Why were you looking at me then?"

I remain cold and unaffected.

"I didn't want to look at you, but your big head was blocking every corner of my eyesight. So scram off, if you please."

Boruto growls before storming off. I high five Sarada.

People applaud me and some are rolling in the floor laughing.

I think I'll like this class.


Sorryyyyy I had writers block, just updated a bunch of stories though, in on a roll!!

Look I drew Saradas twins mangekyo sharingan

Look I drew Saradas twins mangekyo sharingan

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Lol I know my art sucks

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