Chapter 8~My stalker

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Chapter Eight~My stalker

Chapter 8

Tazan's place was quite small; the kitchen led out to a living room, and on the same wall as the door to the kitchen is a hallway leading to the way out. Along the hallway there were four doors; probably a bathroom, bedroom, and maybe a dining room. I couldn't even guess what the last room is. I have never been in any of the rooms; but guessing based on what I've seen.

Tazan usually retreats into the first door at night, leaving me and Iggy in the living room; making it very awkward, since I'm usually awake the most during the night. The most frustrating part was that anywhere I could go, he can, too. He could even go places where I couldn't, since those blasted wings.

I have mostly walked around the room, sometimes running, because if I make the slightest pause, Iggy snuggles up to me and licks my fur. I'm all for me grooming myself, but when someone else does it, it just gets weird. It also reminds of  Carlos, making me sad.

I couldn't remember how to push out with my mind; Carlos must be busy to forget about mind speaking to me.

In the living room there is another cat condo, much bigger. The cat house is in the corner, right above it there's a window. Often enough I have hopped up to the top to try and see; I was anxious to see what my old home looked like. Or, well, world, anyway. But unfortunately I couldn't see because a small blind. I have no idea where I am. Or the date, for that matter. But the days have been getting much hotter; it must be close to summer. Tazan keeps have to turn on a large fan contraption.

I paced up and down Tazan's door; it was about time for him to get up. I was anxious; Iggy kept gliding over me and tackling me from above. I kept to the hallway, since he couldn't glide over me because he can't turn; he would smack right into the door.

My stomach clenched with hunger. So far Tazan has only fed me veggies; carrots, lettuce, spinach. My teeth were killing me. Obviously they must think I'm a herbivore.

Hurry up, darn alien!

In the past week or so I have been able to watch Tazan and study him.

I've never seen a female, but all the males are bald, with the rare black beard or children hair. Tazan has only let his kids see me once, it was not a pleasant experience.

The males were often burly, but many are skinny. Tazan has a job of a wall guard, but he has been taking time off to bond with me. It hasn't really been working.

The aliens will eat anything; old, expired, often things of the dirty carpet of the living room floor.

Males are persistent in their opinions; often getting into arguments over who was right over the smallest of things.

Often males will be taking about females; sizing them up and deciding who to mate with. Males pick a female and mate with them; once their done they will move onto the next worthy female. The process disgusts me; no wonder they needed several planets to hold their entire population. I often hear very inappropriate and rude comments coming from the males; edging Iggy on.

Iggy seems to be more and more confident when they have these conversations; doing things only a attracted male would do. It has been harder and harder to avoid him.
I need to figure out a way to get into one of the rooms.

I jumped up and balanced on my back two paws; scratching the door.

Tazan cracked open the door. "Is Kar-kar bothering you with his male antics?" He bent down and scooped me up, cradling me against his bare chest.

Well. This is awkward.

Thankfully he was wearing pants.

I'm fine with him picking me up; his arms were warm and in the morning it was cold, it got hotter in the day.

Upon Paws Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora