Chapter 5~Caught

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Chapter Five~Caught


There was a huge blast somewhere in the building. I woke up with a start, jumping straight up, alert and ready.

Carlos made a snorting sound and rolled over, looking at me. "Whassat?" He said lazily. "Oh! Fern. I had the greatest dream! We were at an animal shelter and this nice old couple adopted us. We had the time of our lives with them! They were so fun. Oh, and we had kittens! They were-"

"What? I'm not having kittens with you! We wouldn't even know what would even happen," I interrupted him.

He didn't seem fazed by my outburst. "You didn't let me finish. The only thing that was weird was the people, they looked all funny!"

I shook my head and glanced at the small food bowls.

Thankfully one of them was filled with small cubes of meat, the other filled with dead minnows. I have never tried a minnow, but I'm expecting it will taste better since I'm a cat.

I took a step over and took a small bite of one. It was delicious! I gobbled them all down, except the heads of course, making my stomach feel much better.

I sniffed the meat and slowly ate it also, it not tasting that good compared to the fish.

What was that noise? What caused it?

(Any guesses guys?)

I toke a step to the water and realized the door was open. Not my cage door, but the door into the room. And standing inside was the largest man I have ever seen.

He was so tall he had to duck through the doorway. Even though he was tall, he was quite skinny, you could see his bones through his skin. And his skin. It was green.

Oh my fudging gosh... WHAT IS THAT?!

Carlos immediately got up and hissed loudly, looking quite scared, mirroring my feeling.

The man lumbered over towards my cage, bending down and looking at the label sticky-tacked to my cage.

"Cat #64. Female, 21 years old. Part of the speed group. Captured September 17. Complete on March 21. Woke up on April 2." He said in a slow voice, speaking in a different language that I seemed to easily understand.

I blinked. That's how long I was gone for? No one would have even noticed anyway. Shelby and her brother, Luke, moved away to Florida 5 years ago, and my parents and I had an argument on which college I should go to. I ended up going to one they didn't approve of, and I have never heard from them since.

"Hmmm," His voice was very surprisingly deep, lower then any other voice I have ever heard. "Preferred fight over flight, but actively avoided any conflict. 7 KG." He muttered to himself.

Carlos turned and looked at me with large, frightened yellow eyes.

"It's Carlos, and I found out we can speak mind control, or like send our thoughts into each other's mind. If we get separated from each other, use this. Push out with your mind and say something. I will tell you more later."

His usual goofy voice turned much more serious, like he could tell something bad is going to happen.

"Tazan! What is this? Help me figure this out please."

I backed into a corner, trembling. I did not want to see any more aliens, especially with names like Tazan. It really should be Tarzan, not Tazan.

"Quick! Answer! Try it!"

He yelled in my head, making my skull vibrate.

I tried to push out with my mind, thinking about saying "Hi,"

"It worked."

I sighed in relief, but my relief was short lived as another giant man walked in, slightly more beefy.

"What?" He grunted, glaring at alien number one.

"What do you suppose this means?"

Tazan bent down to my level, scanning over my body.

I suddenly felt very small.

"Well, it looks scared. And very small, furry. Probably a plant e-"

He was interrupted by the alien grabbing his head and turning it up towards the label.


There was a long pause.

"I don't even have an idea what it's supposed to mean. But I'm keeping her."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Her?" Alien #1 asked.

"Did you even read the label?" Tazan exclaimed, "It says its female! Anyway, I'm keeping her. She will make a good pet. New planet, new pet. But I will always miss Kar-Kar..." He muttered, stalking off.

The alien stared at me greedily. He reached out, I hissed, I was not going to be touched, even though his hand was nowhere near me, and even if there's a cage between us.

"Sakari, just go, please. Don't touch her. Have the black one if you must, but not the orange." Tazan poked his head back into the room, ducking, and turned back, muttering about low doorways and short humans.

I shuddered. I have to get out. Now. Before I had made a move Tazan was back and was carrying a cat carrier.

"I think this is what they carry cats in. I'll use it for now." Tazan muttered to himself, lumbering over towards me again.

Oh god no please no...

He looked at my cage, "There isn't even a door. Oh well..." He mused. Suddenly he smashed his fist against the roof of my cage, shards of glass fell around me, but not getting past my thick fur.

He scooped me up and shoved me in the carrier, all in one swift motion.

The door closed and he put his large hand over the front of the door, blocking my view.

I yowled, meowed, hissed, growled and meowed again until my throat went dry, begging for water. My stomach demanded food, even though I ate only an hour ago. My eyelids slowly dropped and the rocking of the cage lulled me into sleep.

Authors note:
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