Chapter 3~Another?

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Chapter Three~Another?

Beep beep shink click.

I woke up with a start from a dream I forgot as soon as I woke up.

My eyes refused to open, trying to drag me back down into darkness. I tried to stretch a much as the cramped cage would let me, yawning.

I forced my eyes open and saw that right beside the water bottle, there was no more wall.

My head whipped around as I heard a soft click, my ears angling towards the sound. I saw the door fall back into its frame.

I turned back towards the wall-without-a-wall, studying it.

Right beside the water bottle, I saw small hinges, me not seeing them before as they blended into the bars.

I was debating whether or not I should get up; there was nothing really in the room, and me getting out of the room? Impossible. Well, maybe not impossible, but more highly improbable.

The door swung open again before I had made a decision, and Gary walked in.

I hissed at him, I felt mad and wanted something to hiss and growl at.

He just glared at me; that was extremely rude.

Well, I did hiss at him for reasons only I know. Still, rude. I'm just a cat! Look at me! I'm adorable!

I sat down and tried to give him an innocent look.

What are you talking about? Hissing? I would never do such a thing!

I heard deep chuckling. A man was standing at the doorway, holding the door open.

"Looks like she has a lot more fight in her than the other, huh Gary?"

Gary bent down under the table and pulled something out, turning around to place it on the counter.

"Shut up, Joe. Leave me alone. I'm doing something important here, can't you see?"

"Sure, sure, what now? Getting coffee for the boss?"

"For your information; I'm introducing them to each other! He has never seen another of his kind; it's pretty much like waking up and forgetting everything you have ever known. And it's like your a kitten in an adult cats body."

Joes face turned serious; "But what would happen if the showed any more intelligence then a cat? Like, signs of still having their memory's from when they were human?"

Gary pulled out a remote from his pocket; pressing a small blue button.

Beep beep shink click.

That was the sound I woke up to. Was it the cage opening? Hmmm...

"Hmm... Well, if they do, I'm guessing they would be put down."

Joe looked at me. "That would be a shame; look at how cute she is!"

"Ugh! Joe! She's horrible! She hiss's and growls and she kept moving when we tried to move her! Go away!"

He chuckled; deep and low.

"Alright, I'll leave you to your important stuff."

He turned and left, letting the door fall shut.

"Ugh! Joe!" Gary yelled, making me crouch and pull my ears back.

He looked at me: "That's right; be scared!"

I hissed.

I tried to stretch; the cage was so small!

Gary turned back. "Don't be scared! Don't worry, I wasn't talking about you!"

What. I'm over here, buddy. And also, I wasn't scared, loud noises are just, well, loud. AND I DON'T LIKE LOUD NOISES. UGH.


I froze. Was that... a meow? I know I'm a cat, but can I understand other cats?

I puzzled over this thought for a moment.

Gary picked up whatever was was on the counter and turned towards me, placing it down beside my cage.

It was a cage, much bigger inside, with water and some bowls tucked in a corner.

And crouched in the corner was a male black cat, his head resting on his paws.

He turned and looked at me with sad yellow eyes.

"Hello." He meowed. "I guess we are in the same boat."

Authors note:

Thanks for reading this book. To get to know my readers/voters/commenters, I will ask you some questions. (They are never personal)

What's you favourite colour?

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Upon Paws Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora