⭐Chapter 1: Longing ⭐

Start from the beginning

This began a cycle. Everytime they had finish their meal, Frisk would go and try to progress further into the underground, causing her to die multiple times.

Yet despite that, everytime they were to meet, Frisk made sure to thank him for whenever she asked him for something.

This pissed him off.

Was she only acting like this for her to come close to him? For him to trust her and only then when they successfully made him lower his defensed would she kill him?

With all these thoughts,it caused sans to confront and kill the human through shortly they had again returned. The flowers on their body somehow increasing however sans didn't really pay close attention to it. He knew that they were aware of the timelines already. He had discovered this when they suddenly broke their pattern at grillby's. However still did not forget to be polite.

And before sans knew it...

... Guilt began to grow inside of him.

He felt sympathy for the human.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, a loud 'thud' was heard as Sans hit the bathroom's wall with his skeletal fist. His head hanged low and faced down at the floor.

A pained expression on his face covered his face instead of his usual goofy grin as he regretted the decisions he had made and the actions he had done against the human.

Instead of him leading the human to death, he should have protected them during those times, he should have prevented them from dying as much as possible.protected them as hard as  he could from any monsters! and maybe,Just maybe..

....Frisk might have been able to see the surface again along with all the monsters they had spared, along with all the monsters they showed  kindness to. Yes, they may have been able to change the once brutal monsters who lived underground to kind monsters abandoning their saying "kill or be killed". Yes, they had been able to let the monsters live happily on the surface to enjoy life to their fullest, to explore the places they had never been able to during their time in the underground. BUT with the sacrifice Frisk had done, she had now failed to save ONE person.
The one person who, for the past years, have been visiting her grave everyday in hopes that maybe she would come back as she always had once she died.

All he wanted was to see her again, to the point that his soul ached for her presence.

Everyday he had wallowed in regret and self pity for himself.
Wanting nothing but to see them again.

Even in his dreams,time always seemed to turn back and he would dream of the times he was still underground. The times he spend with them. Laughing,smiling and even crying.

There were times where they'd suddenly appear out of nowhere,crying as they'd hug him in Joy. Giving him time to lose himself in that fantasy where they were happily united only for him to wake up in the middle of the night in his bed alone and forced to face the fact that they weren't coming back and  n e v e r   w i l l.

Leaning his skull on the cold tiles that covered the walls of the bathroom,Sans took in a shaky breath.

But despite the cold truth..

He couldn't help but hope that maybe just maybe.

That dream of his,That fantasy--would come true.

How naive can love make a person.

He thought as he smiled bitterly to himself,his smile morphing to a grown as his face crumpled up in a pain expression.

"....please....come back soon..... sweetheart..."

Word Count:(honestly
Lost count due to repeated editing XD)

Hello there! First of all! I would like to thank you for giving my story a chance! I'm away of my writing skills aren't very good. So the fact that your reading this right now is a huge honour for me! Thank you so much!

That's all and see ya in the next chapter!


Please have mercy and press vote > ~ <)/

rewritten on:
May 28 2019

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