I shook my head, "I'm fine,"

He let out a breath of relief, he stopped the car to the side of the road.

There was a minute of silence, neither of us saying anything. More like I was waiting for his reaction.

"You're pregnant?" He asked all of a sudden.

I nodded.

"So I'm going to be a father?"

I hummed a response, staring at the dashboard instead of his face, afraid that I'll see a look of devastation.

Afraid that I'll see a look of not wanting this child.

What should I do if that's the case?

I fiddled with my fingers unconsciously, picking off the nail polish that was painted on today. A sudden warmth wrapped itself around me, heat radiating from the source.

I was so busy distracting myself that I didn't notice that he unbuckled his seatbelt, wrapping his long arms around me tightly. My hands, unlike earlier on the roof, made their way to hold his arms on their own accord.

"I'm glad," He whispers, nuzzling his head between my neck and shoulder. "It's about time that we have a child,"

My eyes widened in surprise, waves of relief going over me again and again.

This was what I've wanted.


It's been days since Kim Tan came back and I told him I was pregnant. He's been home more often. I'm not complaining, it was as if we've gone back to normal. This house feels warm again.

I flushed the toilet, reaching for the toothbrush to get rid of the horrid, acidic taste in my mouth.

"Gwenchana? (Are you okay?)" Kim Tan popped his head into the bathroom. I nodded weakly, brushing my teeth lazily. I was greeted with a morning session of vomiting into the toilet to start my day off.

He stood behind me, snaking his arms around my waist. I looked in the mirror at our reflections, we were both wearing the white shirts from California. I'm surprised that we could still fit in them even though it was getting a little tight now. The bump was more prominent now.

"Aren't you being naughty, making your Mommy sick in the morning," Kim Tan talks to my belly.

I pushed him away gently, giggling as I spat out the peppermint foam from the toothpaste in my mouth.

"Eomma sent us- well, more like for the baby, more health supplements and herbs," He scratched the back of his head. "We need to find more space for them,"

"Must I finish all of them? I believe she bought more than enough till Byul's due date," I pouted, walking out of the bathroom to the kitchen to grab a warm glass of milk.


I nodded, "Byul," I pointed to my belly.

He chuckled, "You gave the baby a fetus name without asking me first?"

I shrugged with a cheeky smile, "You would've called the baby something weird." I said, thinking of all the weird names he would come out with.

"I think Spider-Man would've sounded nice-" He then paused and thought hard for a moment before saying, "Right, I would've..." He trails off.

I chuckled, "It's late already, shouldn't you get to work?" I say, looking at the time.

He pouted and tightened his arms around me, "I don't want to go,"

I pinched his nose gently, "Why not?"

He sniffed deeply at the side of my neck, "Don't feel like it,"

Prying his arms off lightly, I turned to him, "I'm pretty sure that's not what a CEO should be saying," I smirked.

He huffs like a child, "Arasseo," He says before changing into his office clothes in the bathroom. I switched out into a white summer dress, pairing a denim cardigan over it.

"Where are you going?" He asked when he saw me in the kitchen, referring to my dress up for today.

I swallowed the piece of toast I was munching on, "I'm going to go out for some fresh air, I've been stuck in the office and home for too long," I say.

He cocked a brow, "I'll go with you, you should stay home until I'm back, it's dangerous outside, and you should take a year's worth of absence leave from work because-"

I cut him off, "Yah, it's not that serious, plus, I can still work even if I'm pregnant," I argued, walking towards him to fix his tie. "Aigoo, look at you, a full grown man that can't tie a tie properly,"

He stared at me in the eyes, placing a finger under my chin to make me look at him. My hands remained on the tie, "What's wrong?"

He packed my lips quickly, letting out a mischievous laugh before hurrying to take his briefcase.

"Yah, Kim Tan!"

"I'm going to be late! See you tonight!" He disappeared to the front door, I hear the sound of him putting on his shoes, followed by the front door clicking shut.

A smile hung off my lips.

Maybe it was all just a nightmare, that's all.


*Author's Note*

This is the last chapter of The Heirs, I hope you enjoy it, because it's been a blast writing this-

I'm just kidding. I believe you'll haunt me down if I left the story here.

Here's an update.

More interesting chapters are coming up so please be patient! I keep getting ideas for other books as well so I'm kinda all over the place right now, even with school in the way.

But I'll try! See you in the next chapter!
-Smiles: )

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