The Harvest Festival

Start from the beginning

"Sure I'll watch her," he shrugs. "As long as she's okay with it." 

"Um, I guess I am, but only because Ange-sama would talk so much about you Gray-kun," I smile remembering the multiple conversations Ange-sama and I would have, about the navy haired mage.

"Oh she would, would she?," he smirks and looks at Angelina who's cheeks, are now dusted with a shade of pink that's the color of Natsu-kun's hair.

"Oh, look at the time, I better get going, there's some jewel for you to spend at the harvest festival on my dresser Yami, have fun! And no being kidnapped or doing anything bad!" Angelina calls running out the door.

"Um, okay! Bye Ange-sama!," I wave bye to her as her hair disappears out the door. I go over to Ange-sama's dresser as Gray-kun gets dressed and grab the jewel she said she left me. Counting it I find it's about 2,000 jewels, I place it in my pocket. Turning back towards Gray-kun I see him dressed in an orange shirt with a very dark blue collar. A black jacket with cotton lining its collar, blue jeans, and black boots. 

"Ready to go?" he asks. I nod and we head out the door. 

"Hey did you forget me again?!," whines Eve flying over and sitting on my shoulder, she's wearing our Dragon hair clip and light purple dress with a black dragon on that. 

"No of course not!," I lie smiling, "we were just going to get you," my hand reaches up and I play with the ends of my dark purple hair. I can't believe I almost forgot Eve, I'm such a terrible friend.

"You liar! I thought we were friends!" she cries flying away from me and Gray going out the front door. 

"Hang on Eve! I'm sorry!," I chase her outside only to stop right behind her. She's staring in awe at everything around us. Decorations are everywhere and people are laughing and playing having a good time. There are stands for food, drinks, and other things too like masks. Some people are even dressed up in costumes. It's kinda like the one on Jigoku, except there are tons more people, and nothing here is free. It's kinda nerve-wracking with all these people here. 

"What's with you guys, haven't you ever been to a festival before?" asks Gray walking over to the two of us. 

"N-no, we have, just, there weren't so many people," I mutter playing with my hair again, I always get so shy around new people, I kinda wish I went with Ange-sama now. 

"Y-yea, it's kinda scary," admits Eve, she flies onto my shoulder and we share a nervous glance. 

"Don't worry, you guys will be fine I'm here to protect you guys since Angelina is busy and we're gonna met up with Natsu, Happy, and Lucy soon," he smirks. 

"Okay, but, um," I look at Gray-kun kinda embarrassed that I'm about to ask this, "do you think I could hold your hand? Large crowds make me nervous." 

He looks at me surprised for a moment then shrugs, going back to his usual cool expression, "sure I don't care whatever makes you more comfortable," I quickly scoot over and grab his large hand already feeling better. Ange-sama would let me hold her hand too whenever we went through really busy towns or places, so Gray-kun doing this really helps. 

As we turn to walk further into the festival I hear Lucy's apartment door open and close, turning to look I see her and Natsu exiting her apartment building, Natsu looking and walking kinda funny. "Lu-chan!," I call waving. She looks over surprised, but smiles and waves running over to us. 

"Morning!," she greets happily. 

"Hey Eve!," Happy calls staying beside Natsu. 

"Hi Happy!," greets back Eve grinning ear to ear on my shoulder. 

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