Anthony looks at Austin, "Hey Man! How you doing?"

Austin sighs, "Exhausted"

I roll my eyes, and close my laptop, "I told you that you didn't have to come"

He plops down in an arm chair, "I know, but I love your parents"

I look at my watch, and see that it's 4:50am. I get up take a pillow off the side of the couch, and then hit Regan in the head with it. She shoots up, and looks at me angrily, "What was that for?!"

 She shoots up, and looks at me angrily, "What was that for?!"

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A.N: Regans Outfit
I smile, "I'm sorry to wake you, but we should really be heading to the airport"

She just shakes her head, and grabs her glasses off the coffee table. Then, much to my surprise she walks right out of the house to my car, and stands right next to the backseat door on the right.

"I think that her hint for 'let's get this over with'" Austin states amused

"Yup! Alright boys let's go" I say ushering them out of the door. I grab my camera before shutting the door, and locking it. Austin gets in the front with me, and Anthony get into his car. We get to the airport at 6:00am, so we are waiting for 30 minuets. Have I mentioned that I'm impatient. I fall asleep with my head on Anthony's shoulder. I wake up when Anthony whispers, "You're parents flight has arrived". I shoot up and go to the gate, jumping up and down in excitement. My mom notices me, and runs over to me. We sway side to side while hugging. My dad comes up behind her slower, then I break the hug with my mom, and I hug him. I look at them both, "I've missed y'all so much!"

"We missed you too" My parent reply in unison

I turn around and point to Anthony, Regan, and Austin, "Well mom, Dad you know Regan and Austin, but you haven't met Anthony yet"

Anthony holds out his hand to both my mom and dad, "Its good to finally meet the both of you"

My dad shakes his hand, but as soon as the handshake stops my mom hugs Anthony.  My mom whispers something in Anthony's ear, but I can't hear what it is.

I clap my hand together, "So? Are we all ready for breakfast?"

I hear a collective, "YES!"

I point towards the airports exit, "Well let's go then"

We all walk to the cars in silence. Regan climbs in the shotgun seat of my car. Meanwhile, Austin and my parents climb in the backseats. Me and Anthony pause from getting into the driver seats of our respective cars. Anthony looks at me, "Where are we going to eat?"

I think for a few seconds, "Does IHOP sound good?"

Anthony's eyes widen I excitement, "That sounds delicious!"

I laugh, "See ya there then"

He holds up a thumbs up and climbs into his car. I then get into car and start the engine. "How's life been to ya?" I hear my dad ask

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