Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

"What have I done, Sarah?" I say, moving my hand off of my stomach, and brushing my bum off once again. "Why are so pissed at me, why are you calling me all these harsh names? I know we've never gotten along, ever. But, why?"

Sarah groans, she folds her arms over her chest and kicks at the stones on the ground. Groaning even more as she kicks even more stones.

"Cause I can. If you seriously think I'm going to tell you why I act like this towards you, you can think you stupid slut." Sarah says, pushing me to the ground again. I don't stay on the ground for very long. I jump on top of her,  tackling her to the ground. No offense or anything but…the bitch deserved it. She grabs onto my hair, trying to pull me off of her, but I stay. She hits me in the jaw, and I return the favor. She kicks her legs around, trying to get out, I've pinned her down.  I stand up, leaving the fight there and walk away, letting it be.

I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen, I'm not going to let Sarah ruin my good mood, I'm actually happy today. I haven't been happy in ages, and I'm glad that I finally am.I thought if I pretend it never happened, that I could stick with my good mood, but sadly, I end up in a 'not-so-happy' mood.

I finally get to school, meeting Luke up at the front entrance. He's just standing there, his hands shoved into the pockets of his tight black jeans, looking over at me. I smile, and fasten my pace. He takes his hands out of his pockets and grabs both of my hands, lacing my fingers with his own. He presses his chest close to mine, and bends down a little, and presses a kiss on my lips. He lets go of my hands and places them on my waist. He pulls me closer to his chest, my face presses against it. I wrap my arms around him, and we hug for a few seconds, without talking.

He grabs one of my hands, intertwining out fingers together. We walk into the school, and he just keeps looking over at me, a smile plastered onto his face. He then frowns, and stops half way on the concrete stairs. He rubs his thumb over my brow bone, his frown still on his face.

"What happened?" Luke asks.

I let go of Luke hand, wondering what he's talking about, and what he's exactly rubbing on my brow bone. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and open up the camera to look at what ever he was rubbing with his thumb, turns out I have a cut on my brow bone, Sarah must have hit me, or scratched me or something. It looks more like a scratch, you can see the nail mark. I bite my lip, if I can tell it's a nail mark, Luke can. I sigh, might as well let the truth spill, yeah?

"Got into a small fight, with Sarah. Nothing big, now lets get to our lockers." I say, rushing off the topic. I grab Luke's hand, lacing our fingers together, and begin dragging him down the stairs, but he doesn't move at all, instead he tugs me back over at and looks into my eyes.

"Luke, just forget it. I was in a good mood, and I'm trying to get back into it. Forget about it, and let's go. Please."

Luke sighs, running a hand through his hair, before biting his lip.

"Fine. Only because I want to see you smiling for no given reason again." Luke says, kissing my cheek before smiling at me, nice and big. His dimples appearing. "I don't even want to know what happened."

"Thank god, because honestly. I just want to forget it, but before I do. I tried asking her why she was  being like this, but she just avoided the question." I say.

"Stupid bitch." Luke mumbles, and I whack his chest.

"Shh. She was right behind me, when I got here. She could hear."

"And? Who gives? Now, let's get going to our lockers." Luke says. 

Unfortunately, my day turned out to be as shitty as the rest of the days have been for the past few weeks. I'm really getting tired of this bull crap, I'm sick of being so down, and not me. I'm sick of saying bitchy comments to people because they say nasty stuff to  me, I'm sick of crying, I hate the fact I've cut myself, I hate the fact I had that fight with Megan and Sarah in the first place. I want things to go back to normal, without this bullying. I want to smile out of the blue again, I want to be happy non-stop. I've been so…depressing lately, and I just seriously hate it. I want this all to end.

Luke has band practice tonight, and asked me to join him. They wrote a new song called, The Only Reason. Well, Michael wrote it. They've been uploading a bunch of videos up onto YouTube a lot  more often now, and have gained over 100'000 subscribers, all because of One Direction posting Tweets about the boys, asking their fans to watch 5SOS's videos. But, any who. Luke asked me to come over to Ashton's to watch them practice and get me to tell them my thoughts about their new song since I'm their 'number one fan'. 

I listen to the boys play, this song is truly incredible, sweet and just plain beautiful and I love it. Michael is an insane songwriter, all the boys are! They write incredible songs, everyone of their songs are magic! They are all just the most magical music pieces ever!

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I dig my hand into my the pocket of my jacket, pulling it out. I thought I may have gotten a text from Mum, because I wouldn't have gotten a text from anyone beside her, since I'm with four of my mates, and I'm not friends with anyone else. But instead it's a text from a blocked number, a.k.a Megan's phone.

'I'm going to repeat myself. Go kill yourself, you stupid bitch. Try ripping the hair out Sarah's head again, and I'll slice your neck myself. xox bitch.'

So, not only am I getting texts telling me to go kill myself, I'm now getting death threats too. Oh, yay! I can take this to the police, I could have taken the first text to the police, she got prison for this! Why didn't I think about this all before?!? I kinda try ignoring the text, but as you would know, I don't. 

I press my back against the wall of the practice room, and slid down it, sitting down on my bum. I press my knees to my chest, and rest my head on my knees and start to over think things, something I've been doing since I was little, I get paranoid very easily, and I have trouble sleeping sometimes cause I'm that paranoid.

A hot tear rolls down my cheek. I just don't know what to do to stop this, I can't get away from it all. I cop it at school, I copped it on the way to school in the morning, I cop it at home through a stupid phone, next thing you know their going to start following me everywhere screaming 'slut' into my ear over and over. I can't escape this all, not matter what I do. I tried telling the Principal, which made things worse, I tried to stick up for myself, which failed also and I even tried ignoring and that doesn't even work! I just can't win, can I? Ugh.

I lay my phone on the ground next to me, and places my hands on my head, just thinking and getting lost into the song the boys are playing. After a few seconds, the music stops. It had ended because I'm sure they were just half way through the second versus.

"Shit." I hear Luke cuss.

Next thing I know a hand lays on my shoulder.

"Luke go back and practice. I'm fine." I mumble.


"I'm fine."

Luke's hand leaves my shoulder, and I hear footsteps, as a sign of him walking back over to the mic, and guitar. But I hear them come back, and feel a body sit down beside me. I raise my head out of my lap, and look over at Luke who's smiling at me, one of those sympathetic smiles.

"When a girl says 'I'm fine', she's practically screaming 'Come hug me.' " Luke says, I roll my eyes. I think I've heard that before from somewhere, I just don't know where.

Luke gives me a brief hug, and a kiss on my cheek. I feel I'm making everything about me, that's what I lied and said I was fine, because I'm sick of talking about me, and my now terrible life. I feel that I'm making everything about me, I'm not one to do that. At least, I think so.

"Go practice. Don't worry about me. Your new song's incredible by the way. I know, I'm not acting excited about it, but I am inside. I'm just tired, and bothered a-"

"It's okay. I can tell." He then presses a kiss to my cheek before walking back over to the other boys, picking up the guitar, and the start from where they left off. I stand myself back up, trying to forget the stupid text. I'm usually an optimistic person, lately I've been so pessimistic. 

I smile, this song is amazing. It's slower then most of their songs, but thats what makes it so special, so incredible, because it's different. Each of their songs are different in some way, and that's one thing I really like about the boys song writing, and stuff. It's just….different.

Luke winks over at me and smiles. I wink back. I give the boys a thumbs up, while swaying myself from side to side.

I can't wait for this hell thats just began to end.


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