"...how much, nikiforov?"

victor laughed shakily at the memory, and took the risk to take one hand away from the bar and roughly wipe his eyes. his body tilted to one side, his chest tightened, eyes spun before he leant back against the bars, unable to breathe, shaking, wondering if it was here and now that the victor nikiforov was going to die.

lean forwards.
lean forwards.
lean forwards.
lean forwards.
lean forwards.

victor closed his eyes, hands shaking, blocking out the soft, dark, dark hair, lilac strobe lights, yellow books and glimmering streets below.

he took in one breath.

"i started to wonder...and after what happened...that night..."

"...what it would be like if the sun gave out, and the stars dimmed, and the sky went dark and the world went out like a light..."

"...and took us all with it...and how none of us would be suspecting a thing...and it wouldn't hurt...and every fucking thing would all be over...just like that..."

"...we're listening to the 1975 right now, vitya..."

victor gasped heavily as if he had broken through the surface of water, gasping for air, trying to get the water out of his lungs, clinging to the three metal bars and watching the world spin as if he were high as a kite eighty stories high.

lean forwards.

victor stretched out his arms, as if underwater, fingers stretching out to feel the water on his fingers, heels on concrete, heart still as bathwater in his chest, breath held still as yuri katsuki as he watched him sleep in dimmed bedsheets, light seeping in from beneath the shutters and soft, dark, dark hair against the white sheets.

"...watching me whilst i sleep, are you?"

victor opened his eyes, and stretched it further, blood running cold as the water had pooled under his shirt as he lay on the ice and watched soft, dark, dark hair fall into yuri katsuki's eyes.

lean forwards.

victor stretched out, eighty stories high, willing himself to just lean forwards.

"...a fucking whore..."

victor leant backwards against the metal bars, shivering in that white shirt, before he let out a shaky laugh, up so high, took out a cigarette from the marlboro pack that smelt like incense and lit one up, hands shaking so much that the flame shook like the candles in the altar in the night air, making the "high voltage" warning on the nearby fuse box stand out.

lean forwards.

and victor remembered thinking of yuri katsuki illuminated by morning light up on his bedroom window sill, and how the "a" ran into the full stop after "sea," and how his body looked under those curled white bedsheets.

lean forwards.

he remembered how much more beautiful yuri looked catching the daylight in that oversized woollen sweater than thousands of those lit candles at the altar in the dark chair h that smelt of incense.

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