Scattered Memories- Chapter 5

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Here's Chapter 5

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Ren spoke to me coldly "Rosemarrie leave the room, Roger and I need to speak." His cold eyes and voice left me shaking, as I remembered

-Rosemarrie's Past-

I was playing with me toy bunny, when I heard Ren's voice.

I ran towards his voice to see a body on the floor covered in blood and Ren covered in his blood, I quickly hide behind a tree.

He had a cold expression when he said in a spine-chilling voice "Come out now."

I walked out slowly, sobbing. When Ren saw me his cold expression disappeared. Ren ran up to me and picked me up, hugging me gently.

-End Of Flashback-

I started to cry, I couldn't help it. Ren's expression just like before soften, but before he started to walk towards me a girl my age hugged me from behind. She gave a silent glare to Ren as she introduced herself to me "Hi Rosemarrie, I'm Nightmare."

The girl was beautiful! She had these golden eyes that reminded me of sand. She had long hair that reached a little after her ass. Her black silky hair made her pale skin seem paler. She had a nice shape to her body, one guys would beg for. She was about 5'4 in height. She was wearing a small purple dress. The dress was about to her knees. It was tight on the hips, but loose on the breast and under the hips. The dress had blue roses on it. A very nice dress.

Ren started to speak "Rosemarrie I'm..." Nightmare slapped him. Ren and I stood there in shock as Roger laughed while saying to Ren "Wow Ren now you know never mess with a woman." Nightmare grabbed my hand and took me back to my room.

Roger's P.O.V.

Ren spoke to me in a cold voice "Roger if you don't have any emotional feelings for Rosemarrie, don't confuse her with your lust."

I spoke in a relaxed tone "Does that mean you saw us?" Ren tensed up as I coldly stated "Don't confuse Rosemarrie with Yuki."

Ren's eyes slowly turned a dark shade of purple when the wall glass shattered. I stared at the now shattered glass wall on the wall while saying to Ren "You should learn to control your emotions." Ren looked at me with a smile and responded "I am."

I noticed Ren was strong, but he didn't scare me. Ren intrigued me.

Ren's P.O.V.

Roger was a powerful demon, but he was also important to Rosemarrie. No matter how much I wanted to kill the bastard I couldn't. I don't know how much of me Rosemarrie remembered, and it was killing me I never got the chance to find out. She still acted the same as when she was a child. Rosemarrie is so important to me, so I can't, I won't do anything to hurt her.

I needed to apologize to her, so I started walking up the stairs, when James stopped me in my tracks. I was going to ask what was so urgent when he handed me a letter. I turned it around to see if it was addressed to me or someone in the house, it was for me. I opened the letter to read the contents inside. It read the following

Dear Ren:

You are here by invited to the *Halloween Ball* in Avaritia. Everyone in your household must attend, that does include Rosemarrie. Please do come earlier so you can stay over at the castle, I have much to talk, and my father wishes to speak to you. Don't act like a stranger.

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