Scattered Memories- Chapter 2

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Then some teens came out from the front gate while I was standing there in awe, I knew who they were, THEY WERE THE NEW TRANSFER STUDENTS! The girl named Alissa screams at me all of a sudden " What the hell are you doing in front of our house you stupid little demon." I was being screamed at, she didn't even know me. I was starting to get mad from being judged all the time. Eric and James in harmony say " Alissa shut up she didn't do anything, hear her out!" I was in awe that someone protected me. I spoke " I was here looking for my friend. I used to come here a lot as a child. I didn't know that they finally bought it." Roger came up from behind me and transformed into this handsome teenager. He was so damn sexy, he had these long legs(made him about 6'0 or 6'1), and this perfectly build upper body, it looked like he stepped out of a magazine. His lips were this beautiful shade of red and wet, they looked amazing, you just wanted to kiss them so bad. And his eye are this amazing silver that could make you melt inside the second you saw them, they were filled with mystery and lust. And they also had this sweet essence. It was breath taking. His hair was this beautiful shade of blond, it was shaggy and messy, but on him it looked so sexy and lustful. He was wearing this unbuttoned shirt and these baggy jeans. That shirt opened made him so tempting.

Roger spoke to the transfer students with anger in his voice " You better watch your mouth, I will not allow you to hurt her, if you do I can't guarantee your safety." James spoke first " We aren't trying to hurt her, we are just wondering what she is doing in our house?" I speak to defend myself " I have to reason to tell you what I'm doing here, and it doesn't matter anyways I was just leaving."

As I turn around to leave I bump into someone. It was this man in his early 20's, he was gorgeous. He was just as tall as Roger, but he looked more mature(considering his young age), his body was something to want. He was wearing these baggy jeans that made him look younger, and this cut up black shirt that said "R.I.P" His face was beautiful, you wouldn't think it belonged to a man at first until you looked into detail. His face was delicate, but strongly build. His light brown hair was so beautiful, his hair looked so soft. It was shaggy up to about halfway down his neck. But what stood out the most were his yellow or should I say golden eyes! When he looked at you at first you would think *If looks could kill* but in a second glance you could see how sweet and welcoming his eyes were, just like those red and wet lips. He spoke in this mesmerizing voice " What's going on here?" Alissa hurried to his side and said while pointing her delicate finger to me " This freak was breaking into our house! These creatures were behind her and one of them turned into a human and...." He motions his hand to tell her to be quite. " Hello my name is Ren, I am the owner of this house. And who might you be?" I open my lips to speak when Roger kissed me, and man did he kiss me! That kiss was so wet and juicy, it had this sweet taste but you could feel the need and desire behind it. I was starting to lose my breath when I heard myself moan. I was in shock to hear that sound coming from me. After that Roger stopped while his face still near mine, he spoke to Ren in a familiar tone " She's my lover" I was shocked to hear that, but even more when I saw Ren tensing up. He then said in a sweet voice that seemed familiar to me "If she knows you Roger then, she is allowed inside." He talked to Roger as if they have met before. My head was throbbing, and I was starting to feel faint. Alissa started to protest but Ren's silent glare shut her up right away. I just stood, there I was oddly confused. I was wondering how they knew each other, and more importantly, why Ren reminded me of someone I knew. And that kiss that Roger gave me, did it mean anything? My head was throbbing so much that finally my body couldn't take it, I was losing consciousness, but before my eyes closed I saw Roger running to my side catching me, before falling face first, he was asking me "Rosemarrie are you okay?" then I blacked out.

-Flashback to Rosemarrie's past-

I was sitting alone in a garden. Then a figure comes up from behind and picks me up.

I was screaming with joy, hugging him. I started to say " Ren I missed you! I didn't know you were going to come back so soon!"

Ren just started at me with those beautiful eyes. He told me " Rosemarrie were you a good girl when I was gone?"

I was smiling an angelic smile, while saying " Of course Ren, but I didn't like the lady you left me with this time, she was a meany"

Ren just smiled and said " Come on lets go, I have a present for you in the car."

-End of Flashback-

I awaken to see it was morning. I was sitting up slowly, but my head was throbbing to much. Someone was coming into the room, and I was happy to see it was Roger. Roger was just looking at me intensely, which made me recall the kiss last night. I turned away and blushed. Roger sat on my bed and started to get get close to my face. He had a mischievous smile on his face. His eyes were taking my breath away, and before I could speak, he kissed me again. There was so much desire behind his kiss, as he pushed me down on the bed, and he didn't stop kissing me once. I felt a moan being formed in the back of my throat, but before anything else happened, a little boy walked in...

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