Beginne am Anfang

Everyone was sweatdropping at what Fugaku was doing.

"Um, dear?" Mikoto tried. "You should stop doing that now. It's bad for your health."

Sasuke snickered. "Yeah, you might get brain damage like Naruto."

"Oi! I do NOT have brain damage! I'm smarter than you!" Naruto exclaimed indignantly.

"In battle strategies. . . I'll admit yours are quicker and more efficient. When you're making, removing or solving seals, you definitely win that. But in the academic area, you have to admit that I'm faster at it than you are."

"Doesn't mean I'm dumb!" Naruto pouted.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Sasuke looked amused. 

"Why don't you keep telling yourself that your hair doesn't look like a chicken butt?" Naruto shot back.

"Oi! It does NOT look like a chicken butt!"

"Oh yeah, that's right. Because it looks like a duck's ass!"

"No it doesn't!"

"Oh yes it does!"

"Oh no it doesn't!"

"Oh yes it does!"

"Oh no it -"

"Enough!" Itachi let go of Izumi's hand and went over to separate the boys.

"Stay out of this Itachi!" the two boys shouted in unison. "Go make out with your girlfriend and let us settle this by ourselves!"

Itachi blinked.

The two boys glared at each other. "Stop copying me! No, you stop! I'm not doing anything! Stop it! Grr!" They growled as they engaged in a glaring-staring war.

"That is creepy," Izumi sweatdropped.

Itachi chuckled, looking over at her. "This is quite typical in this Uchiha household."

Izumi smiled softly as she watched Mikoto try and stop Fugaku banging his head on the wall as Itachi tried to separate the two brothers.

"I could get used to this."


Later that night, Izumi sat down with her boyfriend's family for dinner. Shisui had joined them as well. Naruto and Sasuke were chattering a mile a minute, obviously having gotten over their argument. 

"Thanks for dinner, Mikoto-san," she smiled. "It looks delicious!"

Mikoto smiled. "It's a pleasure to have you, Izumi. It's about time Itachi-kun got a girlfriend, anyway."

Itachi blushed and looked away.

"Speaking of which," Fugaku looked at his younger son. "Sasuke, when are you going to get a girlfriend?"

Sasuke, who had just taken a gulp of water, froze and spit the water all over Naruto.

"Oi, Sasuke! That's disgusting!" Naruto exclaimed, rushing off to clean himself.

Sasuke wiped his mouth and turned to his father, wide-eyed. "What did you just say?"

"When are you going to get a girlfriend?" Itachi repeated.

"Dad! I'm six!" Sasuke exclaimed.

"And?" Fugaku raised an eyebrow. "You hang out with a lot of children. Four of them are female."

For the Future, I Wish to Change the PastWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt