14 | Not The Full Truth

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"Is she going to wake up, Maria?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that, Miss Swann. She took a hard blow to the head from Mr Sparrow. Did you tell her?"

"It accidentally slipped out, yes. She hates me now."

"Elizabeth? Has she woken up yet?"

"Not yet, father."

I make an attempt to force my eyelids apart. It works. My 'father', Elizabeth, Maria and Estrella are standing around me. My whole body aches, but my head is throbbing. I faintly remember being sliced on my cheek, and being knocked out.

"Shit on it! Shit on it!" I cursed and clutched my face which has some cloth stuck to it.

"Lily Swann, never let me hear that kind of language from you again. Do I make myself clear?" Father scolds me.

"No, you do not make yourself clear. You are not my father," I replied, hoping they would all leave. My so called father's face dropped as he turned to Elizabeth who looked down.

"Elizabeth, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't," father whispers.

"I'm sorry," she sobs, "It just slipped out."

"I shouldn't have told you. I knew this would happen."

"Excuse me?" I spoke up, "Have I gone mad? Has everyone here known I was adopted except me?"

No one answered me. They just looked at me with sad looks on their faces until Commodore Norrington, Lieutenants Gillette and Groves barged through my bedroom doors.

"Is she okay?!" Gillette demanded.

"Phillip, please calm yourself," father scolded, "Yes, she's fine."

"I'll have you know I am certainly not fine," I snapped, "Elizabeth's lover and that Sparrow bastard both killed the man I love! Maybe ask me if I feel okay before jumping to conclusions!" I quickly hopped out of the bed and ran, despite my body stinging.

I eventually ended up in the bad areas of Port Royal, more specifically, where the pirates gather. They all dress as normal civilians in an attempt to not get caught and hanged. I keep running until I bump into someone.

"Lily, what on earth are you doing here?" It was Will. The bastard that killed the man I loved.

"I'm not speaking with you," I glared and tried to walk past him.

"You just did."

"Oh shag off, William," I growled and pushed past him.

"Oi! She's over here!" Someone yells. Next thing I know, my arms are being held by someone, stopping me from running.

"Shit on it. Shit on it!" I curses again and turned to see who was holding my arms, "Lieutenant Gillette."

"Lily, please don't ever run away like that again," he told me sternly.

"You don't control me," I glared and snatched my arms out of his hold, "I'm eighteen. I'm an legally an adult so I'll do as I please."

"You are so stubborn, aren't you?" Gillette chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Gillette?"

"At least let me walk you home."

"Fine," I gave in and was escorted back to the mansion. We walked in silence before Gillette ruined it by opening his mouth.

"Lily, might I ask you something?"

"You just did," I smirked.

"Very amusing indeed. But I wanted to ask you something else. As you know, you and your sister are required to marry before you are twenty-five," he paused for a few seconds before turning to face me, "Lily Swann, will you marry me?"

I froze. No. This can't be happening. I love Captain Barbossa. Not Gillette in that way. He's like a brother to me. I can't marry him.

Yes, you can. He will take care of you. He loves you.

No, I can't. I love Barbossa.

But he's dead.

I obviously know that!

So marry Gillette! Be happy! Barbossa isn't coming back!

Shut up!

You do love him. Before you met Barbossa, you loved Gillette.

What's your point?

Marry Gillette! You still have feelings for him. Barbossa is not coming back, so you need to move on.

Fine! Just get out of my head!

I stopped mentally arguing with myself and looked up at Gillette. I will admit, he is attractive and treats me right. And he's alive. Barbossa is dead. And I still have the necklace he gave me. Mother of Mary, why is this so difficult?!

"Lily, I can wait for an answer if you need time to think about it."

"That won't be necessary, Gillette-"

"Phillip. Please, call me Phillip."

"Alright - Phillip, I have made my decision. Yes, I will marry you."

The Lion and The Lamb ||| Hector Barbossa||| BOOK 1-UPDATED VERSION-COMPLETED|||Where stories live. Discover now