1 | The Black Pearl

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Hello! This is the updated/slightly different version of 'The Lion and The Lamb'. I have separated the original book to 1 book per movie (if that makes sense). I also made the chapters shorter so there are more. If you see any errors, please let me know!

Please comment/vote if you enjoy ☺

8 years ago.

*Third person's POV*

Thick, heavy fog surrounded the HMS Dauntless on the final part of her voyage to Port Royal. Governor Weatherby Swann is travelling to Port Royal to start a new life after his wife tragically passed. His adopted daughter Lily, who doesn't know she is adopted, is the youngest in the family. She had long, black hair matched with a pair of bright blue eyes. Elizabeth, on the other hand, had medium length light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Many people have questioned if Lily is really the Governor's daughter, as she is the odd one out. It never bothered her though. By now, she was used to the questioning faces and whispers behind her back.

Lily Swann has always been defiant. If her Father tells her 'no' she acts as if he has said 'yes'. She is rather outspoken for nearly 11. God only knows where she heard those unsettling words. The Governor suspected Gillette had mistakenly used those words in front of his daughter. But he never pressed the matter.

*Lily Swann's POV*


My sister Elizabeth, my Father and I are travelling to Port Royal from England on the HMS Dauntless. I have always loved the sea, while Elizabeth has always been obsessed with pirates. I must admit, pirates are facinating, but very terrifying at the same time. Elizabeth is 12 years old, while I am only 10.

We are standing at the bow of the ship, looking out to the open sea when Elizabeth starts singing. Again.

"Drink up, me hearties, yo ho,
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me hearties, yo ho,
Yo ho, yo ho,
A pirates life for me,
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, we sack,
Drink up.."

Elizabeth was cut off by Mr Gibbs, who put a hand on her shoulder, making her jump a little.

"Quiet missy! Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us now, do you?" He exclaimed, looking rather scared.

"Mr Gibbs, that will do." That was the voice of Lieutenant James Norrington.

"She was singing about pirates! Bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."

"Consider them marked," Norrington said, quite rudely. "On your way."

"Aye, Lieutenant," Mr Gibbs said, looking annoyed. "Bad luck to have women on board too. Even miniture ones."

"You what Gibbs?!" I yelled at him. "How else do you suppose I get to Port Royal? Maybe I could rope a couple of bloody sea turtles!"

"Lily, please, calm yourself. And don't let me hear that sort of language again," Father scolded me as he walked over to us.

"I think it would be rather exciting to meet a pirate," Elizabeth stated proudly.

"Think again Miss Swann," Norrington walked over to her. "Vile and dissalute creatures, the lot of them. I intend to see to it that any man who sails under a pirate flag or wears a pirate brand gets what he deserved. A short drop and a sudden stop."

Elizabeth and I look over to Mr Gibbs as he proceeds to act as though he is being hung by the neck. Elizabeth gasps in shock as she realises what he means.

"Lieutenant Norrington, I appreciate your fervour, but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughters."

"My apologies, Governor Swann."

"Actually, I find it all facinating," Lizzy pipes up.

"Yes, that's what concerns me," Father told her seriously. With that, he walks away. Elizabeth and I walk up to the railing at the bow of the ship.

"Lizzie, your facination with pirates is getting a little bit strange," I tell her as we look out at the open water.

"Lily, you have no need to worry. It's just interesting is all." I don't believe her. Her obsession has been getting weirder lately. Every chance she gets, Elizabeth brings up pirates.

We look out at the water and see what looks like a parasol floating towards us. That's odd. It floats past us, as we lean overboard to get a better look. We turn our heads in the direction of which it came and see a large piece of wood coming towards us. As it gets closer, we see there is a boy laying on it, unconcious.

"Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!" Lizzie yells at the crew. Everyone runs to the side of the ship to see for themselves.

"Man overboard!" Norrington yells. "Man the ropes! Fetch a hook! Haul him aboard!"

Mr Gibbs brings the boy aboard, but he is still unconcious.

"He's still breathing," Norrington states while Mr Gibbs looks out at the water at the bow of the Dauntless.

"Mary, Mother of God!" Gibbs yells. Everyone runs to the side of the ship only to see what looks like another ship, on fire, and slowly sinking.

"What happened here?" Someone asks.

"Most likely the powder magazine. Merchant vessels run heavily armed." Norrington tells the man.

"Lot of good it did them," Gibbs says, a little too smugly. "Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it. Pirates!"

"There is no proof of that! It was probably an accident." Father chokes a laugh. Once again, Norrington opens his fat gob.
"Rouse the captain. Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats." The crew do as they are told and run to their stations. Father comes over to Elizabeth and I, once again.
"Elizabeth, Lily, I want you both to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him."

We nod and walk over to where the boy is laying. Elizabeth gently touches his hair when he gasps awake and grabs her wrist.

"It's okay. My name's Elizabeth Swann. This is my sister Lily." Elizabeth tells him, trying to calm him down.

"Will Turner," the boy tells us.

"We're watching over you, Will," I tell him as he falls unconcious again.

Elizabeth notices a chain around Will's neck. She pulls it off him and has a look at the medallion hanging off the chain.

"You're a pirate!" Elizabeth exclaims, a little too loudly.

"Has he said anything?" Norrington asks as Elizabeth hides the medallion behind her back.

"His name's William Turner. That's all we found out," I tell him. He just nods and turns to two sailors.

"Take him below," Norrington tells them. The nod and proceed to take Will below deck.

Elizabeth and I return to the bow of the ship, once again, looking out to the sea. Elizabeth holds the medallion out in front of her to have a better look at it. I look out at the sea only to see a black ship with black sails turning away from us. A pirate ship.

The Lion and The Lamb ||| Hector Barbossa||| BOOK 1-UPDATED VERSION-COMPLETED|||Where stories live. Discover now