3 | Jack Sparrow

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Elizabeth and I were frantically fanning ourselves during the ceremony as we were finding it hard to breathe. Most of the time I wasn't paying much attention. I was more focussed on trying to stay concious.

Finally the ceremony was over so Elizabeth and I were standing in the open, away from lots of people. After a while, she is approached by Commodore Norrington.

"May I have a moment?" He asks her. They walk to the edge of the battlement. I think he is going to propose to her. If he does, I know she will decline. She loves Will too much.

"Elizabeth!" I near Norrington yell. I run over to him only to see Elizabeth is nowhere to be seen. What the hell has he done?

"Norrington!" I yell. (He's a good friend so he isn't offended) "What the hell is going on? Where's Elizabeth?" He looks over the edge of the battlement. Elizabeth is in the water below. "You bloody idiot! You had one job and that was not to bore her to death! Now she has jumped!"

"She fell Lily. I had no part in this." Obviously he is telling the truth. I just love winding him up. Norrington starts taking his coat off before he is stopped by Gillette.

"The rocks! Sir, it's a miracle she missed them!"

"To the docks!" Norrington yells at the sailors.

I get to the docks before everyone else (When I take my shoes off, I can run very fast.) only to see a huge ripple go through all the water I could see. That's weird. Suddenly the wind gets stronger and the sky gets darker. This is very weird. After a few minutes, Elizabeth is brought up to the docks in her underdress by a scruffy man with dreadlocks. Mullroy and Murtogg help get Elizabeth on the dock but she isn't breathing.

"She's not breathing!" Mullroy exclaims, desperately trying to wake Elizabeth. I run and stand, looking down at my unconcious sister.

"Move!" The man who saved her yells at him. Her rescuer pulls a knife from his belt and cuts the strings on Elizabeth's corset. She immediately starts breathing and spits out heaps of sea water. The man throws Elizabeth's corset at Murtogg who for some reason keeps holding onto it.

"I never would have thought of that." Mullroy says, shocked.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." The man tells him.

"Sir, you do realise that women are required to wear corsets in most areas of the world." I tell the very filthy man.

Then he sees the medallion around Elizabeth's neck and picks it up, examining it.

"Where did you get that?" He asked her. Before she could say anything, Norrington and his men turned up and drew their swords at the man.

"On your feet." Norrington told him. He slowly got up off the ground.

"Elizabeth!" Father yelled, running over to her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Father put his coat around Elizabeth and gave Murtogg a dirty look because he was clinging to her corset. He quickly dropped it and pointed at Elizabeth's rescuer.
"Shoot him!" Father ordered.

"Father!" Elizabeth protested. "Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer?" All weapons were lowered and the man thanked Elizabeth.

"I believe thanks are in order," Norrington held out his hand to the man who saved Elizabeth. The man slowly took his hand when Norrington grabbed his wrist and pulled up his sleve, revealing a branded 'P' on his arm. "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company did we, pirate?"

"Hang him!" Father ordered again.

"Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons," Norrington ordered his men. Norrington pulled up the mans sleve even more to reveal a tattoo of a sparrow. "Well, well. Jack Sparrow, isn't it?" He let go if Sparrow's arm.

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir."

"I don't see your ship... 'Captain'" Norrington mocked him.

"I'm in the market, as it were."

"He said he'd come to commandeer one." Murtogg told Norrington.

"I told you he was telling the truth. These are his, sir." Mullroy said, handing Jack's effects over to Norrington. Norrington picks up Jack's pistol, examining it. "No additional shot nor powder." He put the pistol back and picked up a compass. "A compass that doesn't point North." He out the compass back and pulled a sword out halfway. "And I half expected it to be made of wood." Norrington mocked him, smirking. "You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of."
But you have heard of me." Jack replied.

Norrington grabs his arm and drags him up the docks.

"Commodore, I really must protest!" I yell at him as Gillette puts Jack in irons. "Pirate or not, this man saved my sister's life."

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

"Though it seems enough to condemn him." Jack pipes up.

"Indeed." Norrington said, looking rather annoyed at the pirate. Gillette had finally finished putting Jack in irons when I felt cold chains around my neck.

"Finally." Jack said as he put the chains around my neck and pulled me back.

"No, no! Don't shoot!" Father yelled.

"I knew you's warm up to me." Jack said, smirking. "Commodore Norrington, my effects, please. And my hat." Norrington just stood there. "Commodore!" Mullroy passed Jack's effects and hat to Norrington. "What is your name love?" Jack asked me.

"Miss Swann," I said coldly.

"Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind. Come, come dear, we don't have all day." Norrington handed Jack's effects and hat to me. Then I felt cold metal on my head. Must be his bloody pistol. "If you'll be so kind."

I turned around to face him and roughly put his hat on his head. Then I put his effects back on him, purposely pulling the belt tight.
"Easy on the goods, darling."

"You're despicatble!" I told him.

"Sticks and stones, love. I saved your sisters life, you saved mine, we're square." He turned me around so I was facing everyone else again and held his pistol to my head. "Gentlemen, my ladies, you will always remember this as the day you almost caught.. Captain. Jack. Sparrow!" He shoved me forward into the arms of Norrington and Father. Jack turned to grab a rope that was holding up a cannon, kicked a lever and went flying up, while the cannon came down onto the docks. He grabbed another rope and went flying around.

"Now will you shoot him?" Father asked, looking rather angry.

"Open fire!" Norrington yelled. The men were all shooting at Jack, yet none of them actually got him. "On his heels!"

The Lion and The Lamb ||| Hector Barbossa||| BOOK 1-UPDATED VERSION-COMPLETED|||Where stories live. Discover now