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She stalked the hallways but couldn't find any sign of her temperamental boyfriend. Deciding to just go back to their room, she did so and opened the box she'd brought along with her.

Inside were some papers, a locket, some photographs, a key, a box, another box and a pair of earrings. She took out the black velvet box and opened it to reveal an ink black ring inside, a single red gem in the middle. It was one of a kind, her past relatives having crafted it long ago and passed it down as a ring to give to someone only when you've vowed something to them. It was the same as an engagement ring basically but no one other than her needed to know that. She took the key and opened the other box, a bigger one that held a stunning golden ring encrusted with gleaming diamonds and an intricate design, she slipped it onto her ring finger and then looked at the other item; a vial with a red liquid inside.

Next to it was a small handcrafted knife. She took the vial and carefully opened it, grabbing the knife, she brought it across the tip of her finger before letting a drop fall into the vial.

She made her way to the library, seeing as it was the only place she hadn't checked. It was then she saw him sleeping on the windowsill, a peaceful expression finally on his face.

She approached him quietly until she stood just beside him, "How did you manage to get so exhausted?" She whispered, almost inaudibly, "How much sleep did you get? You worry me all too much... It's hard loving someone like you." She sighed, grabbing hold of his hand, "Don't worry, I promise not to die while I still love you like this." She placed a chaste kiss against his lips but he grabbed her head with his free hand and deepened her innocent kiss.

"Why is your finger...?" He didn't finish as she knew what he was asking, so she smiled at him before holding up the ring, placing it in the hand she held.

"It's my vow to you." She smiled serenely, her already placid face turning even more beautiful. She held up her left hand and showed him the ring on her own finger, "A family tradition."

He didn't say anything, just kissed her silently.

Night came around and Isla was nowhere to be found, it was around twelve and Mukuro had just woken up needing a drink only to see she wasn't curled up by his side. Immediately he began to panic, not visibly of course. He first hoped she was in the bathroom or getting a drink like he was but when he searched he couldn't find a trace of her.

So he barged into the Decimo's room demanding a search party be put out for Isla, the only person he'd stoop to asking the Mafia for help for. Tsuna was alert as soon as Mukuro broke his door, even more so when he'd heard Isla was missing. He woke up all the guardians, yes even Hibari, and told them to go into town to look for clues, then asking the lower yet still experienced members of the Vongola to go and search for her. Mukuro was the first to leave.

He first visited the remains of her house, he wasn't surprised to see a note from that damned Famiglia.

They'd kidnapped her.

They also knew who he was, in other words, wasn't this basically starting a war with the Vongola? The Family he was unfortunately a part of.

As much as he'd rather not wait for all the other guardians to arrive instead of rushing their base now, he supposed it'd be better to let them know now. So he sent a message to them all before setting off. Similarly with the other guardians who received his message, Hibari didn't like being ordered around by that annoying illusionist as much as Gokudera but since it was a woman from his newfound territory...

Well, they were convinced she was kidnapped but... that isn't actually how it went at all.

Isla had purposely escaped and ran back home after everyone had gone to sleep, where she sat awaiting the group sent to kidnap her. Who didn't question when she didn't struggle but still used unnecessary force and knocked her out.

Only Mukuro had the feeling that she had gone willingly, she probably wanted the Famiglia gone as much as he did, so she took matters into her own hands this time, forcing a reason to attack.

When she came to, she was in shackles and pitch blackness, her clothes had somehow ripped and she could feel her cell was damp and it smelt like mould, they probably had leaky ceilings, from the sound of dripping water.

Her body was hurting all over, they probably threw her around like a ragdoll. Light suddenly shot into her eyes as the door to the basement was opened, causing her to squint and shut her eyes.

The person who'd just arrived knelt by the bars, "Tell me," He had a smooth voice dripping with a demeaning tone, "Why did you purposely get captured Miss Clairvoyant."

She frowned, "I'm not a clairvoyant, I can just predict events in the near future. It's passed down in my family."

"And that's why we need you, you'd better be ready for a beating if those intolerable Vongola idiots turn up." He snarled, only causing Isla to smile teasingly.

"Scared? You wont have time to hurt me while they plough through your forces."

He banged his fist against the bars before leaving, slamming the door behind him.

Isla could see it, all of the Guardians arriving and completely destroying this place, wiping the whatever Famiglia off the globe. She could see Mukuro opening her cell, somewhat aggravated and touchy.

She could see him question her on why she had to follow the destiny written out by her blood, him figuring out her gift of premonition. He was not only sharp but extremely smart, she felt pretty bad about meeting him though.

Because she knew that she'd fall in love with him.

Her future was all but written out and she just had to follow along, nothing was interesting or surprising for her.

But now, she'd given away her power by shedding her blood into that vial. It's a little weird but until the vow is broken, she'll never see any future events. When the vow is broken, she'll get the power back but she'll regress into a shell of her old self, no feelings, only the predetermined future. But her vow, she'll never break it.

Until the release of death, she'll continue to love him until the end, when the curse is released after she's died. Ultimately, causing the next generation, she wants children, to not inherit the power.

After it died with her.

She had no idea why past generations never done this.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Primrose {Rokudou Mukuro X OC}Where stories live. Discover now