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"Aren't you going to introduce me to your boss?" Isla sighed, looking up at the smiling yet actually scowling inside man beside her, holding her. Possessive Mukuro was new.

"You've already met, I don't see why I should introduce you to someone snooping around us." He replied dryly, almost glaring at the two 'intruders' even if this was a cafe. Yamamoto didn't seem to notice, Tsuna though...

"But it'll be nice to meet your family."

"What family."

"The Vongola."

"I'm only there to possess his body."

"Sure you are, anyway can you take me there sometime?"

This lady was a natural!?

Tsuna was startled by this woman's conversational abilities, she overrided everything Mukuro said and even changed the topic so that he couldn't deny her!

"You can follow us back and stay for the night!" Yamamoto suggested, not bothered by the tense air at all.

She smiled and was about to reply when Mukuro did for her, "No. I'm not putting her in needless danger like that." Her smile soon turned to a frown.

"But it's more dangerous here without any strong guardians." She argued, Mukuro didn't look at her though.

"You can take care of a few grunts."

"She's right Mukuro," Tsuna interrupted, stepping forward and not falling back at the sight of his sharp glare, "They could attack at anytime and with stronger people, she's in more danger being here than at the Vongola manor."

He frowned, knowing it made sense, "Whatever happened to never leaving this place?" He muttered to the happy woman beside him.

"It's definitely a place I treasure, but I'm safe and happy being by your side." She grinned up at Mukuro, a blinding smile, Tsuna had to look away but he caught the slight red on Mukuro's cheeks, that he tried hiding behind his hand in the act of a facepalm. "That was then and this is now. Can I bring a couple treasures of mine? They're small."

"T-That's fine!" Tsuna blushed at the sight of her dazzling smile, only to get death threats from Mukuro's glowering.

The ride back was silent, except Isla occasionally telling Mukuro that she'll make him muffins if he talks to her again. He surprisingly didn't break.

When they got back, Gokudera was there to greet them, mainly his Juudaime. He scowled at seeing Mukuro.

But he was confused when the guy stood by the door of the carriage. Yes, carriage, horse drawn by pristine white steeds, the Mafia was old fashioned like that. The carriage was delicately intricate and looked like it belonged on display. He held out his hand and another took it, the Storm Guardian was startled for a moment after seeing such a fairy tale like woman emerge from the carriage, it was as if she was the princess of the fairy tale. Was she in the wrong world?

He noticed that their hands continued to stay linked, which had him confused but he was more focused on leading his boss back. He ignored the small talk that the two behind them were making. She was just really pretty is all.

Somewhere along the walk, Reborn had hopped onto Tsuna's shoulder and was questioning the boy on who the girl was. Pretty intrigued about her position as 'Mukuro's girlfriend'.

She fit in fairly well, befriending Chrome quickly, forgiving the girl for eavesdropping too. She played with Lambo and Fuuta, helped cook and chatted with Bianchi. It soon became natural, in the period of only an hour, to see the woman in the halls. Like she belonged and had been here the whole time. Only Hibari avoided her, on occasion he'd ask where Mukuro was so he could fight him but... She never said. So he stopped asking her, since she was useless.

The next day, she woke early to an empty bed. Yes, she was sharing with Mukuro, as he didn't want her to be alone while in a house belonging to the Mafia. It wasn't the first time though.

She usually woke to him with her though, she wondered if it was because she was in the Vongola mansion. He was still a guardian no matter what he said. So she got up and dressed before peeking out, noticing the halls were almost empty except a few maids.

Supposing Mukuro wouldn't appreciate her wandering around, she stayed in his room and with her boredom. It wasn't until around ten minutes later that she emerged after hearing a panic in the halls, and Tsuna screaming about something while sprinting past.

She stopped him and was confused as to why he suddenly tensed up after seeing her. "What's wrong?"

"A-Ah! I-Isla-sa... Isla!?" She was amused by his stuttering but seeing his expression she didn't show it. "W-Well... You may have to stay here a little longer, also, can you help calm Mukuro down?"


She was lead to the front of the manor where Yamamoto, Gokudera, and a few butlers were holding back a livid Mukuro. "Why..?"

"Well, we just got a report that your cafe was burned down last night... If you had stayed then..."

She knew what he meant, she'd have definitely ended up dying. "So? Mukuro is trying to destroy that Famiglia right?" She almost sweatdropped. Tsuna did though.


She approached the struggling mess and stood in front of him, holding his face and bringing it down in front of hers, and she wasn't exactly tall. "Mukuro." She whispered, staring into his eyes which widened upon seeing her before narrowing. "I'm here, not there."

"-And if you were." He scowled, neither the other guardians nor the staff had ever seen this collected man so angry, so ready to commit homicid- actually he was always ready for homicide.

"But I wasn't." She said bluntly, not accepting any arguments against her word. "They haven't attacked the Vongola directly so you have no reason to raid them."

He glared at her, his rage not dwindling but his struggle against the group stopping, "They tried to kill you."

She narrowed her own eyes, a smile on her face, "Do I look dead to you?"

"Hey, if she joins the Vongola, then we'd all have a motive for attacking them right?" Yamamoto suggested innocently, no malice behind his words.

Tsuna 'geh'd' in his mind, knowing that no matter what he said it was going to happen. Even if Mukuro hated the mafia.

Isla was grinning at the idea whereas Mukuro was still glaring, conflicted about the decision. "Don't think I'll allow you Mafia to corrupt her."

"It's a good idea though, you'll get to fight them faster and with backup so I won't be worried." Isla tried to convince him although she made it a little worse.

"I don't need anyone backing me up." He snarled before retreating back inside, leaving Isla sighing and Tsuna pretty worried and guilty.

"I'm sorry..." He apologised.

"Juudaime! Don't apologise! It's that ungrateful bastard's fault!" Gokudera exclaimed, pointing at the area Mukuro had just disappeared to.

"He's too stiff." Isla frowned, a slight pout on her lips. "I appreciate the offer, I'll be taking you up on it soon."

She followed after where Mukuro had disappeared to, leaving the group in the front yard. The butlers had already left.

"How did that pineapple bastard manage to woo that lady way out of his league, she's better suited for Juudaime." Gokudera just had to add in his opinion.

Tsuna was denying all of his words.

"Don't use 'woo' Gokudera-kun! He didn't 'woo' her!? -And I'm not interested in her like that!"

Yamamoto was just laughing at them.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Primrose {Rokudou Mukuro X OC}Where stories live. Discover now