Page five

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She could hear the commotion, the ceiling was even shaking. She probably had rocks all over her head. She had thought that having the strongest members of the Vongola attacking them would make them focus their attack force upstairs, giving them no time to visit her.

Uh, yeah, nope.

Some greasy guy came down for a moment before chucking a grenade at her, luckily it was a smoke grenade... Unluckily it was a narcotic. When it exploded, she was sent back into the wall from the force, not getting the chance to hold her breath or protect her head.

She felt her body lurch to the side, and her eyelids grow heavier, her limbs growing lighter.

The explosions drew closer as she slowly began to lose consciousness, then she glanced at the door as it flew off it's hinges, seeing a silhouette in the light but passing out before she could say or do anything.

As the light filled the room, he saw and heard her body falling to the floor, the clanking of the chains just made him even more furious. Not bothering with the key or lock, he destroyed the bars holding her in and hurried to her side, inspecting her wrists and ankles that had been rubbed raw from the cuffs clasped tightly around them.

The shine of a red gem glistened in the low light as he checked for a pulse. He found one, but for some reason, it was faint. He took measures to not breathe in the smoke down here, he guessed that was the reason, that, and the colourful array of bruises and lacerations over her body. Her dress was ripped and bloody, he knew they'd used unnecessary force and beat her while she was out.

Were they trying to piss him off?

He broke her shackles and lifted her up into his arms, holding her gently so he wouldn't disturb her. It was then he noticed her head was bleeding a lot, she'd somehow whacked it hard against something, so she had a concussion maybe. No, definitely.

Climbing the stairs from the basement, he wasn't all too surprised to see a force sent to intercept him. Foolish.

There were shouts of arrogance, and other words. They shouted attack and kill him, bullets flew and swords thrashed.

But they didn't make contact with anything.

"Kufufu~, I'm in a bad mood right now." Were the last words they heard from a man standing behind them, his tone was arrogant and downgrading to them, who lay in a mess of rubble and blood and weapons.

This was how it went until he reached the 'front lines' of the battle, he'd wiped out the few in the building, he noticed Tsunayoshi wasn't actively fighting, instead leaving it to the Skylark and the Ryohei man. His two closest aides, Gokudera and Yamamoto engaged anyone that was approaching them or trying to escape.

The battle didn't last long, this Famiglia was small but arrogant, they had no special abilities or anything too dangerous, just your typical disgusting Mafia Family. Mukuro supposed they wanted Isla's power to predict the future, so they could somehow grow into a feared family.

He was aware of her situation after she gave him the ring. She spoke of her life being boring before, she told him she always knew what was going to happen before it did and blamed it on just being intelligent. He found out soon that it was more of a power than anything else.

But after he noticed her finger, and the ring, he supposed it was something akin to a passed down tradition.

He remembers her telling him about her Great(x10) Grandmother and how she fell in love with a man that played her, he married and even had kids with her before taking her money and leaving. The woman had apparently been so heartbroken, she wished that she had foresight.

Another tale, relating to the vow portion, was a Grandfather of hers, he had nothing. But he loved a woman of royalty, he wanted to give her something to show his love for her, something he could vow his love upon. So he cut his finger and gave her the blood in a small vial, even going forth to make a ring with a gem as red as his blood. He vowed upon giving up his power, that he'd love her forever and more than anyone else.

This was how the vow was born.

Mukuro at first had just gathered these were normal love stories of her relatives, albeit a little strange ones, so he never really payed much attention, only to her blissful face as she spoke about them.

He had to admit, he was rather happy to be the recipient of her vow.

When the Decimo had seen him exiting the ruins of the house with Isla unconscious in his arms, now sporting a high fever, he hurried over to ask what had happened.

"Talk later, the car?"

"Hibari-san? Can I leave the rest to you!?" The boy shouted across the battlefield, he was looked at for a moment before the Cloud increased his hostility. Ryohei had come over by now and was following Mukuro down the mountain with Tsuna and Gokudera following behind, Yamamoto staying back to give assistance to Hibari, who didn't need it. But he still took care of the deserters.

"Is she okay?" Tsuna asked as Ryohei checked the girl over in Mukuro's arms.

"She's not fine, but her injuries and the poison isn't lethal. She's just unconscious with a high fever and concussion, I'll heal her external injuries first." The Sun Guardian spoke in a serious tone, unlike him normally.

The group were fairly relieved to know she wasn't in danger, in fact she even woke up for a second as they were running inside the Vongola mansion.

Mukuro, despite knowing she wasn't in any immediate danger, was the one rushing to get her treated. Mainly by threatening to send everyone nightmares and bringing out his trident.

Once all was settled down, everyone had returned, the famiglia was wiped off the map, the halls were finally calm again. Tsuna had stayed to watch over Isla's condition as the doctor had advised, but Mukuro booted him out about as quickly as he could after the doctor left.

Now, it was just him and Isla, she seemed to be having a good dream for once, a permanent smile on her face as she dreamt. Not long after the Tenth Vongola had left, she'd moved a little to hold onto the -usually stoic- illusionist's hand. Which he responded by lacing their fingers together, sitting by her side until her eyes opened.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Primrose {Rokudou Mukuro X OC}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें