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Tsuna was standing outside an unfamiliar yet familiar shop with Yamamoto, he spied the woman from the pictures inside washing a few plates and cups but the entire place was empty. As much as Tsuna wanted to wear normal clothes, he was forced out in a suit, Yamamoto was constantly wearing a suit anyway. He entered and felt bad, since two men in suits just entered her shop and one looks awfully dangerous at first sight... Actually even if it's him, two men in suits is pretty nerve wracking no matter the circumstance.

She was alert as soon as they entered the shop, the ringing of the bell telling her someone had entered.

Without thinking, she turned to the two of them without flinching or questioning their appearance and smiled the smile of a hundred suns, Tsuna had to admit she was beautiful and somewhat... familiar?


The two sat down as she hurried over to their table, "Please call me if there's anything you need." After speaking, she then went back to her position behind the counter and began cleaning. After a couple minutes, she approached them again.

"I'll just have a coffee..." Tsuna mumbled, ruining his image of a scary man in a suit.

"Can I get a muffin with mine?" Yamamoto grinned. The woman wrote down their orders and repeated it back to them before going back to work, they could see her preparing the coffees and could see her going into the back room sometimes. They only had to wait around five minutes before she came back out with a tray.

They were almost drooling at the sight of the fluffy looking muffin, Yamamoto even said it was warm. Tsuna had to admit the coffee was on another level too. This made them wonder though, why didn't she get any customers? He was also curious as to what her name was... She seemed Italian.

"Excuse me!?" Yamamoto exclaimed as the lady began to retreat back to her counter, "What's your name?" He spoke excitedly, Tsuna could only commend him on his straightforwardness.

"My name?" She muttered back confused, "Isla. (Isla Pace)"

Her doe eyes shone with innocence and confusion before suddenly contorting into annoyance and enmity.

The two men were confused at her sudden change of demeanour but shocked out of their confusion when the door slammed open.

"OI WOMAN!" A gruff voice shouted out, with a bunch of other rough looking men filing into the cafe and taking seats, putting their feet on the tables and overall wrecking the place, "That creepy pineapple was here last time but now you have no one to protect you!" He sneered, ignoring the two mafiosos.

"Don't call him that." Isla replied, not a tinge of fear in her voice. The man just threw a chair at her, Tsuna didn't see any problem with it so he grabbed the chair before she could try to dodge.

"Sorry...? But who are you?"

Yamamoto held his Shigure Kintoki while hovering beside Tsuna, ready for a fight.

"Felice, of the Crepuscolo Famiglia, we own this place scum."

"Yeah, they're an enemy Famiglia based a couple miles from here..."
"Isn't this our territory?"

Tsuna just nodded after the quiet exchange, he'd rather not give out his position or name considering this was a Famiglia with bad blood against the Vongola, starting a war right now wasn't in his best interests.

"And you are?"

"What are you here for? This isn't your property." Isla interrupted before anymore questioning could happen, which Tsuna was grateful for. "You don't, no, you've never owned this place."

The man growled, "Your father sold it to us, sold you and your mother, we own you brat! If you hadn't have escaped all those years ago we'd be makin' a pretty penny off you!" They all knew what he was insinuating and it made Tsuna and Yamamoto sick, Isla was scowling at him, "Your mother was worthless, a disabled old woman was of no use."

She didn't show any sign of uncontrollable anger, she wasn't going to burst and attack him, Tsuna could tell she was used to his derogatory words.

It wasn't long before Tsuna had punched him and knocked him out, then going on to join Yamamoto in taking care of the other thugs.

Isla just watched them, "Thank you." she sighed, a fairly jubilant smile on her face, "Tsunayoshi, Takeshi."

Now the boy froze, after lugging all the bodies outside, he doubted he'd hear his name from her mouth, "Excuse me?"

She chuckled to herself, "Don't think I'm oblivious, you were taking pictures of me a few days ago. Mukuro wasn't very happy you know?"

He knew, the glares he got were horrifying, the nightmares were even worse.

"He told me about him being coerced into joining your Family, I saw a picture of you all and he told me all of your names. This was after he saved me from that... Uh... Stewart? What was his name...?"

"Felice." Yamamoto cut in.

"Right, sorry, I don't remember the names of those below me." She smiled but Tsuna couldn't help but think it was cold. "Although he keeps telling me he's only with you to take over your body or whatever, I know he enjoys the time spent there. Thank you for putting up with him." She bowed, it wasn't an Italian custom so they could only guess she was versed in Japanese culture. "I'm sorry for calling you by your first names by the way, is it alright?"

They both brushed the matter aside.

"By the way, how did you end up with Mukuro?" Yamamoto was fearless in asking the burning questions.

"Oh, well like I said before, he saved me from that guy one time. At first he questioned me about my background and I told him I was sold to that Family when I was younger... Then he just continued visiting my Cafe, which was nice since no one else does because... They're always attacking me, and from then he warded off any threats." She explained, only to be questioned by Tsuna this time.

"But Mukuro stopped visiting for a while, why's that?"

"I went on holiday..." She smiled nervously, "He was annoyed about it, see he really likes my chocolate muffins."

"We can understand why." Both Yamamoto and Tsuna shared the same thought, and the latter hadn't even eaten a bite.

"We weren't even dating then either! It was only after I got back that... Stuff happened." She paused for a moment before adding, "Well let's just say a group of guys were hitting on me and harassing me."

Tsuna paled, he could imagine what happened to them.

"Oya?" But he didn't imagine that Mukuro would finish a mission so quickly and return here so quickly.

He was caught redhanded.

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Primrose {Rokudou Mukuro X OC}Where stories live. Discover now