Chapter Nine

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Hey! It's been a while! I've been so busy with school, but now that's finally over. I'm officially a senior!! =)

Anyways, sorry but uh it's one in the morning and I am running off of three hours of sleep as it is so sorry if this chapter is super boring. It probably sucks, but It's all I've got at the moment. Anyways, like, vote, comment-even if you hate it I'm open to suggestions. Anyways, here goes :)


Chapter Nine

     Making my way to the bathroom, I’m appalled by the vision before me. I can’t help the wave of self-loathing that crashes through me while staring at the girl facing me. My already long face was now to angular with my gaunt cheekbones more prominently sticking out and the dark shadow of bruises beneath my eyes. My lips were chapped with dried blood, and my once long and lustrous chestnut mane that used to shine red in the sunlight was now a dull, flat colored rat’s nest. My once curvy body was now stick thin, barely covered in the tattered rags that were once my clothes, and the rest was covered in cuts, bruises, and dirt.

    My eyes well up causing me to clench my fists and bite my lip, refusing to let myself cry. His surfer boy blonde hair and grey-blue eyes push its way up to the front of my mind, along with his face contorted with anger and the sneer that accompanied my discomfort. Grabbing the sink, I look down too ashamed to look at myself any longer. Why didn’t you see the signs you stupid girl? Why didn’t you fight harder?

    My hands start to shake in frustration. I wrap my arms around myself as if to physically hold myself together and slowly sink to the tiled floor with tears silently streaming down my face. My whole body violently convulses as I struggle to hold my sobs back. If he were here right now, he’d sneer before telling you to shut the hell up before he really gives you something to cry about.

    Gasping for breath, I try to calm myself down. It’s over now. You finally escaped. I think to myself while pointedly staring at one single tile. Just focus. I take a deep breath in and out, slowly regaining my composure.

    After looking up and glancing around I can definitely tell he doesn’t have company often. There are several pairs of boxers and wadded up towels littering the floor, and the counter surrounding the sink is completely obscured by a various assortment of guy’s thing. The sink is the worst though. It’s completely covered with little black hairs.

    Scanning the room for the promised clothes, I finally spotted what I hoped were the clothes he was talking about, unless he’s a little fruity, over on a rack against the far wall of the bathroom. As I stand under the warm water watching the brown colored water slowly run clear, I feel relaxed-like a small weights been lifted off my shoulders. Looking at the clothes left for me, I can’t help but think how small they are and thinking there’s no way I would ever fit in these. To my surprise, the tiny t-shirt and shorts were a little big.

    Once out of the shower, not knowing what to do to myself, I start to clean up a bit. Going back to my makeshift bed on the couch, I fold up all the blankets and neatly put them in a pile at the end with the pillow on top before tackling the kitchen. I’d just gotten done when I heard a car pull up outside. Fear takes hold of me as I think he’s finally found me making my legs tremble as I walk to the window. Forcing down my fear, I slide one shade up in the blinds and quickly peek outside. There sat a big white truck that seemed somewhat familiar, yet I couldn’t place it.

    My emotions conflict- a sense of relief at not seeing his little red pickup, and fear at not knowing who’s big white truck it is. I feel my pulse pick up speed, and my legs feel like jello as I back away from the window at the sound of the turning door knob. I feel my panic rise up and my vision gets black around the edges as a wave of nausea hits. Where do I go? There’s no time to hide.

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