Chapter Eight

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been a while, but I've been crazy busy with school stuff. I've had lots of competitions for science and math and a convention and all that nerdy good stuff.  So I haven't had much time to do anything. But since March is finally pretty much over, I should have some more time on my hands.

Sorry this chapter may be bad, but it's been a while since I've written. So I don't quite remember where I was going with this the last time I wrote. So if you like it comment, vote, like whatever. Or if you see any errors and things I could fix, feel free to leave a little comment. I happen to like contructive critisizm.

Anyways, new chappy is now up! And tonight is Vampire Diaries/ Secret Cicle night! So good day! =)

Sorry, haha I'm getting off topic. Anyways...Happy reading! :)

Chapter Eight

     When the sun started peeking through the cracks of the shades I wake up bone weary from tossing and turning all night long. Sitting up, I’m a sweaty mess with my legs completely tangled and twisted between my legs at my feet. Claustrophobic and caught unable to move, my fear again begins to take hold of my mind.

     His sneering face looming over me in the darkness of night haunts my vision as my palms in turn begin to trickle with sweat. My heart rapidly picks up speed as if I’d just sprinted a couple miles, and my senses heighten as I tense up in anxiety. Trying to calm my breathing, my eyes begin to well up with tears and a black fuzziness starts taking over my vision from the corner of my eyes. Breathing heavily, unable to calm myself down, I begin to hyperventilate.

     Eithen runs out of his room, startling me even more in my current state of mind. Not quite registering who he his or where I’m at, I try crawling back, panic rising in my throat. When he sees me, his eyes get a bewildered expression and he momentarily freezes in place.

     “Please, don’t do it! Just let me go, I promise I’…I’ll be good.” I manage to choke out, pleading.

     He slowly continues to walk closer to me making me shudder and cower down to make myself as small as physically possible.

     “Please!” I wail. “I…I’ll do what you want! Just don…”

     “Shhh,” he says in reply walking even closer. He raises his arms causing me to flinch and hunker down waiting for a blow that never comes. Instead a warm pair of arms wraps around my bony shoulders, rocking me back in forth in a soothing motion. Crumpled over myself, silently crying, still slightly afraid, he gently whispers to me while still rocking me to calm me down. “Shhh,” he quietly whisper every once in a while. “It’ll be okay. Hey look at me.”

     Afraid to look, I ignore him silently denying him his request.

    “Please,” he whispers to me.

    Telling myself to be brave, I slowly turn my head in his direction looking at anything but his direction.

     “Hey, Lacey, please look me in the eyes.”

     My heart still racing hearing the rush of blood throbbing in my ears, I keep my eyes glued to the floor, willing to look at anything but him. Slowly, afraid of scaring me off, he lifts his hand up bringing his slightly calloused fingers up to cup my tear stained face. Lifting my chin up towards his direction, I come face to face with him, staring right into his brightly lit, emerald green eyes.

     “It’s only me, Eithen.” He says reassuringly.

     Nodding my head in recognition, my heart rate slightly decreases.

     “I promise you, I won’t hurt you. Do you understand me?”

     Hesitating, I slowly nod my head, an immature feeling of relief flooding through my body helping me somewhat relax.

     “Are you okay now?” he asks.

     “I...” I croak, my voice cracking. Trying again I reply, “I think I’m good now, or I will be anyways. Thank you.”

     Embarrassed by my little freak out episode, I turn my gaze back down to the floor, heat rising in my cheeks before turning pink. Finding elsewhere fix my mind upon, I find the clock noticing it’s only six in the morning. Looking back up at Eithen it occurs to me that I probably woke him up. Worried and even more embarrassed than before, my mouth drops open as my hands flys to cover it.

     “Oh I am so sorry,” I begin to explain before getting cut off. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I…”

     “Hey, don’t worry about it,” he replies. “It’s no biggy. Besides, I should probably start getting ready to head in to work actually. Want something ta eat before I go?”

     “Nah, I’m not really hungry,” I reply.

     “Sure? You’re missing out. I can whip up a mean toaster stroodle.”

     Laughing I reply, “I’m pretty sure anyone can. Figuring out how a toaster works isn’t rocket science.”

     “Yeah, but it can be easily burnt if you don’t have it on the exact setting, which I happen to have figured out.” He replies sounding proud of himself.


    "Anyways, just so you know, when I leave I’ll lock the door behind me. So you don’t have to worry. Also, there’s some clothes and stuff for you in the bathroom. Sorry if it doesn’t fit, but it’s all I have. See ya tonight.”

    “Okay. Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.” I replied in the most sincere voice I could.

    With that, he left as promised locking the door behind him.


Author's note again: Hey sorry for the abruptish start. I was going to have more, but my shows are on. So yeah :0 It's still two pages, but I have a big author's note. Anyways, maybe the next chappy will be three pages =0 hehe Anyways, til next time


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