Chapter Eleven

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A/n: This is dedicated to maddycake for supporting me my last chapter. Thank you :)

So I haven't got on in a while. Sorry it's took so long to update. My life has been way crazy the last 6 months. Me and my best friend got into some trouble back at the end of July. Her dad kicked her out, so I was helping her. Then later in August my mom changed the locks on me. My best friends mom was kind enough to take me in. It was great at first. It was like a continous sleepover with my best friend, but when you spend every waking minute with someone eventually it'll wear on you. Or at least it did us. Anyways I hardly got to use a computer and when I did I as usually working on an English paper or my College Algebra class. And a week or two ago I moved back in with my mom. Sp yay! I now have a computer I can get on regularly. So I should be updating more fequently now. :) So here's chappy eleven. Hope you enjoy!

                                                           Chapter Eleven

     As we speed down every back road we can, adrenaline races through my veins as I hold onto my seat with a death grip, trembling with fear. Memories of my dream from earlier that morning flash through my mind. His face smiling wolfishly down at me, his eyes alight with a mixture of hunger and anger at my defiance. If he got me, I wouldn’t get off so easy this time. I can’t imagine what his punishment would be.

      Eithen looks at me out of the corner of his eye before quickly turning his attention back to the road. “You okay?” he gently asks me.

      I slightly hesitate before answering in the affirmative with my quivering voice, but even I don’t believe my weak answer. He gives me a sideways glance and I steel myself and take a deep breath before repeating myself. “Yeah.” It didn’t come out quite so shaky. That was the best I could do at the moment.

      I stare out the window into the darkness, unwilling to look at Eithen knowing the unasked questions that must be rolling around in his mind. I gaze at my reflection in the window and squeeze my eyes shut trying to shake out the nerves, willing my mind to go blank for once. He deserved some answers, but I didn’t know if I could give them yet without breaking into further pieces. It was taking everything I had to keep myself together as it was.

      It’s silent in the car but you can feel the charge of tension in the air. Leaning forward I rest my head on the cold glass of the window. The Chinese had long since been forgotten. Even the smell was no longer enticing, since my stomach was a mess of knots and my apatite completely gone. I hear Eithen shift in his seat.

      “What’s his name?” he asks.

      It’s a simple question, but I don’t answer right away. “Thomas.” Just his name makes my body tense up, sending chills down my back and my hair stand on end. Like spiders.

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