Chapter Twelve

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Author's Note:

Sorry it's been so long again. Now that it's summer and I have a tendency to stay up all night despite how boring it gets. So I've decided to actually use this time and try my hand at this story once more. Hopefully I can start writing this more regularly again and get Lacey's story out. So here is the new chappy. Now that I've revealed his name I'm gonna start giving you guys glimpses of what happened. Who is this mysterious Thomas she's so afraid of and why? You'll be enlightened I promise ;)

Anywho, enjoy this new chapter and please tell me what you think. It would be greatly appreciated. Ideas, constructive criticism, ect. Enjoy! :)


   Saying his name out loud brings back memories along with a rush of emotions. Fear and betrayal course through my veins as the countless memories play unwanted through my head. I almost feel the urge to laugh at my naiveté. I wonder if my family ever looks for me or if they just considered me a runaway. The girl who had the world in her hands in love with the seemingly perfect guy to sweep her off her feet. The fairy tail story announcer speaks in my head, "In love, they run away eager to see the world without a second glance or goodbye, leaving without a trace." Too bad reality is a bitch and there aren't any fairytales in this world. At least not in mine.

  The memory of Thomas and I as we first met plays slowly in my mind making me analyze my memory for any missed signs that he was off. Had he been watching me and planning this before we met or did I have the unlucky misfortune to just be at the wrong place at the wrong time? I was a freshman in the community college of my small knit hometown yearning to be a forensic chemist. It was what I aspired to become ever since we had to write a research paper my sophomore year of high school on our chosen career. Nearly every English paper after that had something to do with the topic including an informative paper on crimes committed while sleepwalking.

   As cliché as it sounds, we were in a coffee shop at the cafeteria as I was about to meet my friends in the short 45 minute break I had between classes. Grabbing my favorite drink from the counter, a frozen mud turtle, I backed away unaware someone was walking towards me. I bumped hard into something strong and sturdy, sending my freshly bought coffee hurtling to the ground. Disappointment lit through me as the drink drained onto the ground before me. Turning towards my assailant I open my mouth to apologize, but he get cut off as he beats me to it.

   "Sorry about your coffee miss," he says as he grabs a handful off napkins to wipe up the spilled coffee.

   "No, I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I'm such a klutz sometimes. I should have looked where I was going." I reply as we bump arms simultaneously grabbing for the napkins. 

   Bending down to mop up the liquid puddle that was once my frozen mud turtle we nearly collide as he bends to do the same. In light of the situation laughter threatens to bubble up from me in embarrassment. I feel my face heat up as my cheeks flare red when me make eye contact. His bright blue eyes peering down at me make me nervous and I quickly look down cleaning up my mess. Eye contact was never a strong suit of mine. Looking people in the eye isn't what bothers me, it was them looking back that did. I always had to fight to keep from looking down, not always winning the battle as is now the case.

   Standing up, he offers me his hand and I hesitatingly accept his offer to help pull me to my feet. "At least let me make it up to you." he says smiling a boyish grin turning up the charm. "What did you order? I'll get you a new one."

   "Thanks, but no need. That was totally my fault." I reply declining at his offer.

   He smiles in return, but his eyes flicker as some emotion quickly flashes through them before passing as if it never happened. "Please, it'll make me feel better," he pleads appealing to my humanity as if I'm a sucker. Which I'm not.

  The coffee tender working the counter pipes in. "Mud turtle. She ordered the frozen mud turtle as always," he states in annoyance. Being a regular and never changing up my order, Jason always has the order placed before I make it to the counter. "Stop being difficult Lacey. Accept it when a nice boy tries to buy a pretty girl coffee. I swear. Girls these days," he quietly mutters the last part to himself.

   Glaring at Jason he returns it with a smirk before 'Mr. Nice' places his order. "Get me a frozen mud turtle for her, and a caramel macchiato for me."

   "What size?" Jason asks.

  "Medium," he replies while pulling his wallet from the back right pocket of his pants and giving Jason a ten before telling him to keep the change. Turning to me he holds out his hand. "I'm Thomas by the way."

   "Lacy,"  I answer placing my hand in his and briefly shaking it. "Thanks for the coffee."

   "No problem." he says handing me my new cup of coffee.

  "Well I should go. My friends are waiting for me. Thanks, again and sorry."

   "Maybe I'll see you around sometime," he states grabbing his own cup of coffee and thanking Jason for it.

  "Maybe," I shortly reply in my non-committal tone now walking towards my friends leaving the chivalrous Thomas guy without another glance feeling his eyes on me as I put distance between us. Approaching the table my friends are seated at, they make cat calls and suggestive faces asking who the hot guy that bought my coffee was. Attempting to ignore them I sit down and take a sip of my cold drink.

   "Seriously, Lace what's his name? Please tell me you get his number." My best friend Chloe asks me.

   "Nope. His name is Thomas." is my short reply not interested in having this conversation. I was single and just fine with it. Having a boyfriend just makes things messy and is more trouble than it's worth.

   "Why?" She asks me in an exasperated sigh. "Your hopeless. Damn he's hot."

  The comment makes my friends nod and voice agreement. Honestly I hadn't really noticed. Turning my attention back to the counter I give him a once over. He had blond wavy hair with an Olive tent to his eyes and a muscular build. Kind of preppy looking which isn't exactly my style, but I had to admit he wasn't bad looking. Making eye contact he once more give that boyish grin and waves before leaving causing my friends to erupt in giggles.

    Who would've though the charming coffee buying boy would turn my world upside down. Even I would have never foreseen the events to follow. The question still remains in my head. Had it been me all along? Had he planned our bumped into encounter, a small part to his big scheme? Did he already know my name and routine just waiting for the right time to pounce? Or was is just unlucky chance that we met? Thinking about it makes my stomach turn making me resist the urge to gag.

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