Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

    Fifteen minutes later, I still hadn’t shook the guy off. Getting out my phone, I call me best friend. It rings three times and still no answer.

    “Come on man! They make cell phones for a reason!”


    “Yeah, hey man, can you do me a huge favor right about now?”

    “Sure, what do you need?”

    “First off, do you trust me?”

    “Yeah, why? What’s going on?”

    “I need you to promise me that you won’t tell anyone about this, til I tell you can.”

    “Mmmk? I promise I won’t tell.”

    “Good. One more question: is your sister still tiny as ever?”

    “Yeah, why?”

    “I need you to grab me some of her clothes. In fact, bring what you can with you. It can be stuff she doesn’t wear anymore, I don’t care, but I need them. Is your sister there right now?”

    “Uh, yeah… Why do you need girls clothes?”

    “Look, man, I promise I’ll explain everything later, but right now, I don’t have the time. I need you to hurry. Get your sister, have her bring some of her old clothes and stuff, and get in your truck. Then call me. Make it fast!”

    Five minutes later my phone rings; it’s Jake.

    “Okay, we’re in my truck,”Jake states.

    "Good. Now I need your help with something bigger. This guy in a little red truck has been following me for the last forty-five minutes or so. No matter how fast I go, or which way I turn, he’s always right behind me. I can’t seem to shake him.”

    “What does the vehicle look like?”

   “It’s just a little red pickup. I don’t know the model.”

    “Where are you?”

    “A little ways from town, on the south side.”

    “Okay, I’m on my way.”

     A few minutes later my phone goes off again.

    “Okay man, I see you and the truck. What’s the plan?”

    “Quick! Turn in behind me in the gas station, cutting him off, so he can’t get in!” I exclaim.

    “What then?”

    “Switch me cars. That way, he’ll think it’s me driving and take your sister with you. That way, he’ll think the girl is still with me, but leave the clothes in your truck. Make sure he’s gone and meet me back at my place.”


    I hang up before he can answer. After switching cars, I signal the thumbs up, and we both make our way out in opposite directions. Quickly after Jake turns out, the little red pickup follows closely behind. I exclaim my triumph out loud, startling the girl. Taking the girl to a public place would only arouse suspicion with the way she looks and raise too many questions. Taking her home is my only option. Plus, she could definitely use a shower.

    Looking at the clock, I realize it’s almost nine. Shit! I’m not going to have my laundry done in time for work. My pants still need to be put in the dryer or I’ll have to rewash them from sitting in there wet for too long. Pulling out my phone, I call the laundromat.

    “Yes, deary?”

    “Hey Kim. I need a really big favor. Something came up that I had to take care of, my laundry’s not done, and I have work in an hour. My pants have been sitting in the washer for a little while now. Can you please help me out and I’ll pay you when I get there?”

    She lets out a gentle laugh. “Don’t worry deary. I’ll take care of it. Just your work clothes?”

    “Yes, please. I just need my pants thrown in the dryer and my work shirts done.”

    “Got it.”

    My phone beeps. Shit, another call’s coming in.

    “Thank you so much Kim! You’re a life saver!”

    “You’re welcome. It’s no problem deary.”

    “I’ll have mom send you over some of her cookies. Bye!”

    Hanging up, I press the call button to see whose call I just missed; it was Jake. I press the call back button again to call him back.

    “Hey man. Sorry I missed your call. I was on the phone with Kim getting my laundry situation for work worked out.”

    “It’s all good, but hey, it worked! We kept driving ‘til we knew you’d be safely out of range and pulled back up to that gas station. He followed of course, and me and Emily jumped out and waved to him!” He starts laughing and I can hear Emily in the background doing the same. “He was gone! He pulled out of here real quick. It was great!”

    “Good,” I say chuckling. “Thanks man, I owe you big time. Come on over and I’ll try to explain what I can.”

    “Okay. Just a question: do you know that chic you were carrying?”

    “Not at all. Like I said, I’ll explain when you get here.”

    “Okay, see you in a bit.”

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