Chapter Three

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Eithen's POV:

    In the midst of the best part of my dream, an obnoxiously annoying beeping sound rings through my head. What the hell? Trying to figure out what it is,slowly coming to my senses, I realize that it's my alarm clock.

    Not bothering to look up and glance at the time, I pull a pillow over my head and reach my arm up blindly feeling around for my alarm clock. Once, found, I slam the snooze button, slumbering once more off to sleep. It seems like five seconds pass before the obnoxious sound rings through my head once again. I repeat this twice more before giving up the idea of sleep.

    Turning my alarm off, I get up to go get ready. Going to my closet, I attempt to find something to wear. Not finding my work clothes, I settle on a grey All Time Low t-shirt, black skinnies, navy blue high-top converse, and a batman hoodie. Going to the bathroom, I quickly brush my teeth giving myself a quick look over to make sure I don't look like too much of a slob before heading out.

    Looking at the time, its only six in the morning with the sun just starting to peek out. Damn my stupid alarm clock. I didn't have to head for work for a couple hours, giving me a much needed opportunity to do some laundry. Not yet having a washing machine, I gather my dirty clothes and toss them in a trash bag, heading out to my car.

    Getting into my car, I realize that I forgot my nametag for work. Running back inside up the stairs, I glance at the table by the door and it's not there. I rapidly search every nook and crevice in my apartment. Strewing everything around randomly as I go, in a frenzy to find it, I realize that I left it in my work pants from yesterday.

    Slightly pissed as myself for wasting all that time for nothing, I run back downstairs and rummage through the trash bag full of dirty clothes, searching all the pockets of my work pants until I find it. Getting back in my car, I finally head out to go to town. 

    On my way, listening to Marilyn Manson's Sweet Dreams, passing the many lengths of woods by the road, I see a person. Disheveled looking, they wave their arms around like crazy at the side of the road. Upon closer examination, I notice it's a girl...and she looks like she's screaming but I can’t hear anything over my music. Shocked, wondering who she is and why she's acting like that at the side of the road, I watch in my rear view mirror as I go around the bend in the road, gradually losing the sight of the mysterious girl. 

    Driving still further, my mind keeps wondering back to that girl. I try driving the scene from my mind, all to no avail. The haunting vision vividly repeats in my mind. That desperate expression, her eyes screaming a plea for something, but what I don't know.

    Pulling in the drive to the laundromat, I start my first load of laundry consisting of my black slacks for work. I can't help but think about that girl. Eithen! Stop it! I command myself. But I keep thinking what if she needed help? What if something happens to her because I didn't stop to help or see what was wrong? What if I got up early today for a reason?

    Feeling horrible about just leaving her there, not even stopping, I quickly hurry out the door back to my car. I peel out the drive and travel back the way I'd came. Fifteen minutes later, I arrive to the place I thought I'd first spotted her but don't see anything. Maybe it's the wrong spot I think to myself. There's miles upon miles of woods. How am I supposed to distinguish between one spot to the next?

    After driving aimlessly around for about another five minutes, I'm about to give up. In the rear view mirror, I notice that no ones coming but a little red pickup far off in the distance. I pull a uee. Now driving slower, I come  back to the spot I thought I'd first seen the girl and roll down my window, coming to a slow crawl. Slowly creeping along the road, straining my ears for any sound, I keep my eyes peeled towards the grass off the side of the road, intently searching for this mysterious, distraught girl.

    It makes absolutely no since to me why I was so intent on finding this girl, but I felt like I needed to help her. I can't explain why I felt the need to help her but it was like she was crying out to me. Like I was the only person who could hear her desperate cries and without my help, she'd be lost and alone in the world.

    Out of the corner of my eye, I see somthing slightly off color to the rest of the grass. Stopping the car, I jump out and run to the side of the road.


Hehe cliffhanger ;) gotta love those right?

Think it's her and if so whats happened? And is the little red pick up suspicious or not?

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