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People say I shouldn't be on my phone so much and should interact with the world but they don't know is that I do that every day. I speak to people all over my internet friends are like family. Most of us share one big common interest we either love the same band or shows/movies. I for one a major One Direction fan I made an Instagram fan account when I was 15 and had it ever since. I have a personal as well where I post my art and photos of me but it's rather quiet most of the time. However, owning a fan account makes it seem like I'm not a complete social outcast. Sure I have a few friends I still hang out with from high school but not many. My best friend Jordan and I still talk even though we go to different colleges. We promise to always be in each other lives and I'm glad that still withholds. Spring break is coming soon so we can officially hang out together. I'm not even twenty yet and I find living on my own can become a struggle especially when my artwork not selling and my other job pay sucks. But that changes tonight I plan to make fan art of my favorite idol and sell them to some of my followers. I drew sketches the other day and I feel these will sell great.

My phone starts ringing across the room and I clean my hands of paint before answering. "Hello." I simply speak.

"Hey girl what are you doing?" Jordan's voice rings through the phone.

"I'm making Harry Styles fan art," I say proudly.

"Well he's already art but I know you can handle the challenge," I hear her giggle on the other end.

"Why are you like this?" I shake my head at her goofiness.

"Because I'm amazing." I can already imagine her flipping her hair. "Well I'll let you get to it, text me later and we can discuss our plans for spring break."

"Okay," I hang up the phone and get back to my artwork. I'm done with all of them in a week and I believe they came out great. I take pictures of them each and post them all on my personal account and let everyone on my fan account to check them out. I yawn due to me being completely wiped out, heading up to my room to go to sleep.

I wake up to my phone constantly ringing, I now regret not putting my phone on silent. I look at my phone too see so many notifications from my personal Instagram account. I gained 500 followers overnight how can that be? I open the app to see that my artworks are getting a lot of attention more than I expected. I begin reading some comments and it warms my heart that so many people love my art. There was one comment that really stand out:
@ harry_angel: omg harry liked

I didn't believe them so I checked my likes and there his account was. I never thought I get this much let alone Harry Styles actually seeing my art. Today is the best day I've ever had and it's just started. I quickly take a shower and get ready for the art class I have in an hour. My friend Shawn from my class picks me up in his Jeep.

"Good morning love," he chirps. Shawn was definitely a morning person while I was definitely not.

"Morning," I smile probably the biggest he ever has seen.

"You actually seem happy for once, what's got you so giddy?" He asks as we drive down the street.

"So this whole week I made fan art based on Harry Styles new album and he liked my picture I posted. I didn't even think he would see it." I say still buzzing with joy.

"That's amazing especially since you're in love with the guy." That's true, I mean how can you not love someone so kind and genuine as him.

"Now if he followed me I would explode, but that's kind of a stretch you know."

"Doesn't mean it can't happen, who knows he could fall in love with online many people do." That's true online dating has really increased these days.

"I wish I could be as optimistic as you." There's only so much I believe can actually happen to me and Harry Styles falling in love with me isn't one of them no matter how much I wish it could be true. After class Shawn and I go out to eat lunch at Chipotle.

"Wow the lighting is really good in hear especially with you by the window, can I take a picture?" He asks taking out his camera. I oblige even though I didn't want too. The picture actually turned out really good.

"Wow I look hot and I'm not even wearing makeup today."

"You don't need it to be beautiful," he smiles and I blush. "Send that to me once you can."

"Okay will do." We finish our food and Shawn drives me home.

"See you tomorrow," I say before walking into my apartment building. I spend the rest of my day reading fanfics and watching movies on Netflix.

Here's chapter one hope you enjoyed

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