29: It's Okay, You're Only Coding

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A swirl of madness comes over us. The gurney takes me away.

At least this time it's me and not him.
I'm wheeled into the hospital into another dull room, I don't understand why they hospitalize people with the glitch anymore it's incurable, well not entirely.

But now we know that the glitch within itself can't be cured. It will always spread.

The earths a code and that code is messed up, broken.

I'm already becoming translucent like Geoff did. It's on my foot.
That's why I didn't notice it earlier. It was covered up.

My vision's getting foggy.
The last thing I see is Otto and Geoff desperately trying to keep up with the rushing doctors.

I just want to sleep but that's all too much

I can't sleep. I don't want to die and come back like Geoff did.
I know it's going to happen though.

I think I know what the key was for now. Whoever was wearing it, was the one who got the bad coding past on.

What is going to feel like when my skin becomes particles? My holographic feet feel like they're being burned and froze at the same time but it's still not the worst thing I've felt.
This hurts like hell, but it hurt worse knowing my baby was going to die.

He's not going to die anymore.

Not anymore.

At least I have that thought in my mind.
I'd much rather fade then watch him do the same.

Its better this way. It's better this way.

I'm wheeled into the ER room and know what's going to happen next, I watched Geoff get put into a induced coma, through that small square window.
That was the scene of a nightmare, and now it's happening to me. Well kind of.
Its not the same that happened to him, but maybe worse.

I'm not going to be put into a coma but I'm going to be put down.

Is it going to be painful? What will happen after.

They only started killing patients infected with the glitch once patients started to seem to live longer after they died.

I'm scared.
I don't want to die.
I don't want to fade away.

But this is all for Geoff, and that makes it worth it.
All of it.

The room is lit with black lights, they use them in attempt to calm patients down, that doesn't work.
The doctor wears a face mask that makes him seem evil in a way, of course I think that he looks evil, any animal would see the thing about to kill them as evil.
He holds a syringe, a syringe that will hold my last breath, my last heartbeat, at least my last breath before I come back.

Those last breath and heartbeat are for Geoff.
Everything is for Geoff.

I'll have some time with Geoff after this, he lived for four years. Everything will be fine.

Attempting to calm myself down isn't working right now. These black lights are making me squirm on this hospital bed, how many have died in this spot?

Nothing went how it should have. We had a day. One amazing day.

And now I'm being put down like a sick dog.

I used to be able to say that I still got my bark, I still have my bite, but now I'm cornered and I can't find my voice, and my teeth are missing.
Now they're ripping into me with these black lights.

The Glitch [Gawsten] >Completed<Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat