4: Fading

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Geoff needs all the comfort he can get when he's like this his coding is showing his coding is fading.
And he's closer to fading.

I've seen countless items fade completely but only one person. The body is ripped to shreds as the code runs out. Fading can be a fast or painfully slow process taking years at a time or within weeks.

Lucky for geoff he gets to struggle he didn't fade weeks after it's been years.
He explained the pain of the glitch and it made Otto obsessed with changing the code he's mad about it.

Geoff won't tell me in fear I'll do the same thing as Otto. That I'll go crazy thinking about how to save him.

Geoff had begun his fade tonight he grabs his chest and holds back his screaming. He always tries to hold back his screams when all he needs is to let it all out.
But he won't.
This world is artificial anyways why not make some noise? I find myself petting his hair attempting to ease the pain even though I know it's no use.

Tiny almost pixel looking specks float off of Geoffs body. The room is filled with them now.
It's beautiful the diffrent colors they make. "You'll be okay"
I lie.

The lamp in the corner of the room fades completely leaving an empty space while Geoff struggles.
"It'll be okay"


The night is gone with the blink of an eye the morning is quiet.
Geoff had fallen asleep on the floor in the same spot he dealt with his pain.
I make my way to the kitchen and open the fridge in search of one thing...orange juice.

It's gone.

I'm out for blood now no one takes Awstens orange juice without bloodshed.
Just kidding...maybe.
I acctually use my eyes and look around the dark kitchen and there he is.
Why the hell is Jawn over here this early better yet why is he drinking my orange juice.

"Ugh, it's only you. Otto's asleep if that's why your here."
I exclaim snatching the carton of juice.
"Acctually you might want to hear this to Awsten I think I've learned something big about the codes."

At that I perk up.
"What about the codes?"
"Get Otto and I'll tell you"
Ugh I don't want to talk to him right now. Lets just say we're not on good terms.

I lazily walk to Otto's room and violently open the door. How to wake Otto up?
I scramble to the bathroom and grab his toothbrush and glob a shit-load of toothpaste on it.
Back in Ottos room I grab his jaw and shove the toothbrush into his mouth.
"Wakey Wakey Otto!" I brush his tounge until he gags.

"Awsten what the fuc-guhh"
"God stop wh-ygugh?"
"Awsten wh-yugh?"

"Good boy you're awake! Jawn's waiting to talk to us!" I say proud of my choice toothpaste is a greak wake-up call.

I prance back into the kitchen and sit at the table with Jawn. "Did you get him up?"
"I watched him brushed his teeth he's coming."

Right on que Otto walks in he walks over to me and spits out some of the leftover toothpaste.
"Thanks for the cleaning"
"why was that necisary exactly?"
He notices the red haired boy across the table
"What is it this time Jawn? It's six in the morning!"

"It's about the codes"
Exactly like I did Otto perks up and wants more information.
"What about the codes"

"You have to listen very closely you might have a chance of saving Geoff"

Anything for Geoff.

The Glitch [Gawsten] >Completed<Where stories live. Discover now