2: The Only News I Want Is You

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The smoke flies into the air like a thousand grey butterflies.
But only worry is brought with these butterflies.

The engine is smoking the airbag is open the metal is bent and Geoff is inside.
I quickly unlock the door, not explaining what had made the large sound to Otto, rushing out to the destroyed piece of metal.

"Geoff!" I yell trying to open the door only to find it's jammed and unopenable.
I attempt to break the already cracked glass pounding on the window staring in on the beat up unconscious boy who has various new bruises on his face.
Otto makes his way outside and stands frozen,  fear crossing his face staring at the crash, his skin as pale as it can get.

"Geoff fucking wake up!"
I scream as I continue pounding on the cracked glass. The way the engine is smoking it isn't safe in there.
I grab a rock and continue to hit the window the cracks expand until my arm breaks through, the glass flying in all directions cutting Geoff's bruised face.

I open the door from the inside and Geoff practically falls out onto me.
I attempt to lift him away from the car but end up dragging him on the hot cement.

"Please don't be dead we need you Geoff!"
I plead laying him down on his back in the middle of the road blood seeps through his shirt, this doesn't look good.
My shaking hand attempts to read his pulse...nothing.

I stare at his extraordinary blue eyes their blank stare haunting me.

He's dead.
Geoff's dead.

I hold his limp had not bothering to look at it.
I don't want to look at the calaced fingers, the rough knuckles.
Otto stares sitting on the porch crying his little eyes out.
I cry too.
We need to call 911. I don't want to but I have to.
I hoist the boy into my arms and carry him into the house that suddenly seems cold, dark and set him on the couch that just minutes ago Otto and I were sitting.

The TV is still a static mess the newsman frozen on the screen, but at the moment the only news that I want is that this is all a dream.

Or a awful nightmare.

I stare at my now pale friend and think about how much he was truthfully family.
We were one big family because our real ones didn't care.

And now he's gone.

Then out of the corner of my eye I notice that Otto is screaming something at me, I hear nothing.
He runs his fingers through his hair and mouths what looks like 'shit' his eyes and cheeks tearfilled.

I fall to my knees and realise I'm looking right at the thing I didn't want to look at.
Geoff's hands calaced from playing guitar countless hours and bruised from where the airbag hit.
We had both forgotten to call the cops. We need to vent.

Like the car and the TV his hands are slightly blurred they almost look as if they could be holographic. Not see-through but a spread of lines like how they make CG in movies. Only where his joints are it looks like this.
I'm hallucinating and my friends dead.

Let this all be a dream, let me wake up with Otto still on my lap and Geoff safely driving here alive.
Let that happen please.
Don't make us lose him he's family.

"He's family,"
Now I'm bawling hysterically the tears fall faster than thought possible.
Why Geoff?

Maybe the world is ending.

The Glitch [Gawsten] >Completed<Where stories live. Discover now