3: Dream

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I knew what it felt like to be hated and shunned but that was diffrent. This is diffrent Geoff would never ignore us but now he has to.
Because he's not really here, his body is, it's scarred and beat up not how it should be it should have the brightness in it's blue eyes the blood out of its fluffy brown hair and the ribcage unbroken.
His guitarist hands shouldn't be bruised they should be making music.
His dumb Zelda necklace should be hanging from his neck but it's not.

But I guess none of that matters.
Not anymore.

Otto sits next to me and looks at me with a worried look. His tears have dried to his face he doesn't even attempt to wipe them away.
He questions blankley I can hear him now but I refuse to look away from the cold hands or to speak at all at that matter.

"Awsten we need to call the cops we can't leave him like this"
He waits for an answer I continue to keep quit I don't want to talk not now,
"We can't leave Geoff like this he deserves better."

His soft voice is semi-calming but not enough only Geoffs voice would be enough at the moment.

Everything stops Otto gives up and simply stares at my hair. He always does that when he's nervous or sad I wonder if the blue color calms him down.

Nothing, no sounds, no movement.

Then it happens.

Staring down to Geoffs hands a finger twitches. Hallucinating, just hallucinating I reasure myself
but then it happens again. He's moving.
Happiness floods my mind and then fear.
He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. He's dead. Dead things don't come back.

This is my imagination.

I feel like I'm on a roller coaster, I hate roller coasters.

Present day

The first glitch happened so long ago so why do I continue to dream about it? It's been four years since that day I need to get over it we're fake. That's all there is to it.

But that isn't all there is to it.
I don't want anyone else to be erased for good.
That's why we have to hack the system.

I lean up and sit on the side of the bed the white sheets cascading down. Like always Otto no longer sleeps by my side giving me extra warmth he moved rooms a long time ago.

Otto was never the same he became mad trying to find a cure for Geoff we slowly drifted apart no longer together.
Well together like we were.

It's no longer love it's almost hate.

The room is dark, too dark but to turn on the lights it would be too bright.

Remembering that day hurts it makes me want to end it all.
But I won't.

How come only some of the codes get messed up? Why do only some people get the glitch?
Why are some people so lucky?

I notice that the nightmare had made sweat drip down my head and my breathing to become heavy how did I not notice that?

"Bad dream?" I hear a familiar voice question.
And how did I not notice that?
Geoff the boy who died in my dreams was curled up in a bawl in the corner of the room.

"How long have you been in here Geoff?" I question with a yawn.

"Not long it's almost 3:00 I like being in here when it happens."
He said with a embarrassed voice.

"You can always come in here when it happens Geoff I don't  mind."
Why does he sound embarrassed? It's not his fault.

He smiles and crawls over to the side of the bed. I examine how bad the holograms have gotten.
Half his body looks like It's the  CG type lines.
He leans his head on the bed next to my legs.

"I'm so sorry my coding is showing I wish I could look normal just for you Awsten."

Why is he apologizing? Why does he care what he looks like why for me?

"I'm sorry I'm a worthless virus"

"Geoff you're beautiful"
I don't even think about the words that come out of my mouth because they are true.

Geoff is beautiful just the way he is. We won't let him die.

We won't.

The Glitch [Gawsten] >Completed<Where stories live. Discover now