Alec: The Wilde Brothers (Chapter 2)

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Dahlia couldn't shake the feeling of being watched—or worse yet, followed.

She felt eyes on her as she left her apartment building holding her little boy's hand, but when she glanced around, she caught no one looking.

She felt a stare burning into her back as she dropped Angelo off at preschool, his little hand leaving hers as he dashed forward in excitement about his first day.

Before he disappeared into the classroom, his tiny form turned around and said, "See you soon, Mommy!" and it made her break into a smile.

That smile disappeared once she was outside again, heading toward her car.

The eerie feeling of being watched had returned full force, creeping her out even more since she couldn't remember if she had locked her car or not.

She approached the vehicle slowly and then felt silly when no one attacked her from the back seat once she settled inside.

Who would watch me and why? she had to ask herself. It made no sense; after all, Angelo's father had taken off before Angelo was born and never looked back. What would he want with them now?

Dahlia couldn't help wondering if she was about to get a taste of the excitement that seemed to follow her sister, Zinnia, around. Zinnia had told her several stories of weirdos who had violated her privacy and their employment contracts by using the information obtained about her from their job.

"Can you believe this dude sent me a love letter? Talking 'bout he met me at this bar and he was the bartender? He straight up told me he remembered my address from my ID—like I was supposed to be impressed and think that was so romantic."

"Definitely report him," Dahlia had advised her.

"And did I tell you about that pizza delivery guy who delivered my pizza, and then tried to friend me on Facebook later that night? And when I didn't accept his request, he called me a few days later since he still had my number from the delivery. I'm a hypocrite, though—or I have a double standard at least. That bartender wasn't cute so that shit was gross and creepy—even worse for the pizza guy. But this car salesman did something similar, and he was fine as hell; I had no problem with him calling me up using the info he obtained."

Dahlia only shook her head and reminded her sister to take the creeps seriously, while also thinking that Zinnia probably had nothing to worry about—her sister led sort of a charmed life.

Plus, Zinnia said she would at least change her name on social media to make herself harder to find.

Dahlia briefly considered doing the same, and then remembered she only had about eighty 'friends' on Facebook—the one social media account she allowed herself—and her friend list was filled mostly with family and old high school and college acquaintances.

Angelo's father had unfriended her long ago, and she'd had only one questionable request the whole time she'd been on there.

Needing to be on alert for a potential stalker could only be wishful thinking; no one was checking for her like that.

* * *

Alec liked what he saw.

His investigator had returned with flat stats, figures, and facts, and when Alec asked him what Dahlia looked like, the man had shrugged and said, "Decent," but that wasn't the answer Alec was looking for.

Alec needed to see her—to see if she looked like the girl he remembered, and to see what the girl he'd known had grown into.

He knew that most people wouldn't consider Dahlia anywhere near a ten and didn't care; he had never been particularly interested in women who were supposed to be tens. He just wanted to know Dahlia had been taking care of herself and looked healthy and happy, and he was not disappointed once she came into view.

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