2 brothers fallen

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I want you to hear a song while reading this.It will be somewhere                down             here====> But also if you want search it to YouTube:Amnesia(A Machine For Pigs)OST-Mandus Extended



Minx drove us to Red's place at maximum speed.Good thing the roads were almost empty and we got there fast.Once we got there,I saw Red's car outside so they couldn't have left.I run down to the house and knocked on the door hard.I didn't even realize it until I cracked it.No one answered,so I told everyone to get back so I could kick the door open.Once it was down I started calling for Red.Pewds,Minx and Krism told me that they'll look downstairs and I should look on the upper floor.I did as I told and I checked the bedrooms.One of them were messy and clothes lying all around with suitcases open and halfed filled.One of the bedrooms had a a piece of paper stuck on the wall with a knife.I pulled it free and what I saw was so frustirating.It said that Red knew that I would come and she told me to fuck off their lives and leave her and Russ alone.They are leaving town,even country and they do not want to see us again.Fuck...Can this get more fucked up?I throwed the note down and walked downstairs."Cry!Did you found them?"Pewds asked.My head looking down,showing dissapointment."They left..."Pewds was suprised for a moment."What do you me-"I gave him a death glare through the mask."I mean they are not here!They are leaving town.Hell,even country!I guess that is Red's plan..."I sighed.Minx and Krism came towards us."Let's just leave..."I said,exiting through the broken door.


No one spoked almost at the whole way home and  I realized how tired I was.I wanted to sleep like I never had before.The time was 11:35 PM.The though of never seeing Russ and Red ever again was just a nightmare.They were my buds.But yet...I betrayed them by choosing Pewds over Russ...How could I decide?!Russ is one of the oldest buddies and we knew each other like forever,but...Pewds?He is a good guy.We have a good time together and we always share laughs.He was the one that we spoke through facecam right away.I knew that I could trust me and that he would mock me because I made my face a big deal.But it was like one comment.One.And I still remember it:OMFG Oh Cry you are so handsome,Oh god this face should be  public!

I though Red would understand my position...But at the end...She didn't.She just said Screw You guys and just left.Of course,I can understand her position.AND her reasons...But I still can't believe it.

"Hey,Cry?Are you okay?"Minx broke the silence and stopped my thoughts."Yeah...I am fine".



"Yeah...I am fine".Cry replied to Minx.He just leaned back to his window in the backseat.I couldn't bare it anymore.I couldn't handle his misery anymore...

"Cry!Hey,cheer up!Don't be so...you know...Maybe it is safer for them to leave.As I have understand,Virus wants you,not anyone else.And he would do anything to get you.Even killing them.I believe it is better that they left.They are not in danger anymore.Think it that way"I tried to make him worry less.He looked at me and turned back to his window."I don't know..."He said not even looking at me.Once we got to Minx and Krism's house what I decided to do first was just to lay down.It has been 2 days without sleep.Minx showed us our bedroom,that there were two beds.I slept at the one and Cry pretend to sleep at the other.

Suddenly,I woke up at the middle of the night.Hearing Cry sing.Well it was more like a whisper but with a melody."Cry?"He didn't even reacted and just kept  on with the singing.It started to get creepy now.I got up and got closed to him.He was still wearing the mask."Hey Cry.Wake up."I poked him a little and I got scared by a hand that grabbed me immediately from the neck.I couldn't breath,I couldn't scream,I could hardly see.He put me down and I fell,struggling for air.His masked was...weird and all crazy.Its mouth wasn't a straight line.HE wasn't Cry.It was...it was...Everything turned black.

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