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Pewds voice echoed through my ears as he was pulling me,running to the door.

Pewds:Dont stop!!

I was still in shock after what happened...I had to make the biggest desicion of my life...How could  l let Russ go away like that?I heard explosions and anger screams behind me.But what I really heard was Russ'(found it :) )last words to me.I didn't really knew why I had picked Pewds...I don't know.It was probably my guts that made that decision.Fuck...


That was the hardest desicion of MY LIFE! I...I just couldn't...couldn't wrap my head around it.Everything were inn chaos in my mind.

Pewds:Here!We made it!

Virus:We'll meet again...Cry!

I heard the voice of Virus echoed behind me as we exited the factory.Lights blinded me in red and blue.I saw Red,Snake and Jund behind the police line...Wait...Police line?

There were cops all around us,pointing guns at me.Wow.Two police cars and seven cops for us.I heard them shouting at us not to move and hands on the air.Two of them came closer to pick us up.I heard Red screaming at me about Russ.What would I tell her?I believe that she would understand my position.But I still feel terrible.Gosh...I was getting arrested and I couldn't stop thinking about Russ and what would I do.I must keep my cool.I NEED to keep cool.For our sake...and Russ'( fec yeah).I looked around to see Pewds worrying,staring at me.

Pewds:You okay bud?

Cop:Sir.Like I told you,you have the right not to speak.


I whispered.

I felt lost...

I remembered whose doing this was.


That sonuva bitch...

I am going to deal with him.

And he is going to accept the challenge.I know he will.

"Get out of there and come for me Cry"

Oh I will...

I will...

Online Friends (A Cryaotic/Pewdiepie FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now