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I couldn't believe at my eyes.What was Minx doing here?She laughed at our expressions with her so strange laugh.I heard another familiar laugh.It was coming from the ninja.This one more cute than Minx's.She got rid of the mask and I saw another face I knew.


Yep.The ninja was her.I couldn't beleive it either.I almost laugh at what had happened.But Minx was laughing for both of us.On the other side,Cry didn't seem amused at all.Instead he seemed annoyed.Well,from what I could understand wearing his mask.She got out of the car and walked towards the house laughing.Krism told us to come with them.I looked at Cry,still shocked.


Pewds:What the hell?What is going on?

Cry:You have to ask them that.

As we walked towards Minx and Krism who were waiting at the front door I realized something very interesting.Both of them in Florida?Minx used her key and we entered a,rather,beutiful house.She told us to go and sit while she brings some beers.Like it was all normal.When she came back with the beers I couldn't help it but to explode into a spree of questions.

Pewds:Really?Minx?You tell us to sit down and drink some beers like buds and act like nothing happened?Well,A LOT of things happened!Krism got us out of the police department,god knows how,and we are probably wanted right now!Do you realize how critical our position is?We will go to JAIL because we escaped when we had a chance to be saved from it!And what are you doing in Florida anyway?

After a long awkward silence,Minx bursted into laughter.She sat down on the couch next to me,left those 4 beers on the table and started talking.

Minx:First of all,I'm acting like nothing happened because nothing HAS happened.I have an uncle in the police of Florida which is going to clear it all and surely will pride some one.He will do anything for me.And,to be honest,he isn't the most loyal and honest person in the world.So there goes question Number 1.

Cry pulled off his mask,put it on the table,opened his beer and took a sip of it.

Cry:That's not gonna happen with Juana Brannigan.She doesn't accept brides.Nor she'll stop until she has me.

Minx got raised an eyebrow and smiled.

Minx:We will see about that.

She opened her beer too and while drinkin' it she looked at me again,putting it on the table the beer.

Minx:Second,Krism has a lot of hidden talents,that's how she got you out.And she got you two out because I think I know what's going on.And third,YOU Pewds texted us to come here.This is my Uncle's house.Speaking of that,why did you wanted us to come all the way from England to Florida?

I had totally forgot why even had come to Florida.I tried to remember but there were nothing but blurr scenes and voices that I couldn't understand.

Pewds:I...I don't know.I can't even remember why I am here...I mean I woke up at Cry's place.

We all stared at Cry,waiting for an answer.He sighed and started:

Cry:I don't know what Pewds is doing here either.I got a call from Marzia telling me to go outside and I found a drunk Pewds.I made him lie down and then found a...

Minx:A letter...I know everything about that.That's one reason we rescued you.


Minx:And I want to help you.

She laughed.

Online Friends (A Cryaotic/Pewdiepie FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now