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Even though I haven't seen my limits
But if it exists, it's probably you
I wanted it to be tender waves
But why didn't I know that you were the sea

"Please get Yoongi hyung out of his room! He locked himself up again! It's been a week! We're getting worried"
I remember hearing Namjoon say from the other side of the door.

Once again, another messed up, sad and happy memory popped up in my head.

"He hasn't been like this in a while"
I remember Hoseok mutter.
I remember listening to their conversation.
Who were they talking to again?

Whenever I would have one of my 'episodes', I would lock myself up in my room.
I never wanted you to see this side of me.
You always hated it but tried to understand and let me do what I wanted.

But I never locked myself up for a whole week.
My anxiety came back and the thought of losing you sunk in my bones.
And it scared the shit out of me.

I remember hearing a knock on the door.
I remember screaming.

"-It's me"
I could recognized that voice anywhere.
I remember opening the door and suddenly feeling arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.

"I was worried" You say.
"I'm sorry" I remember replying as I rested my chin on your shoulder and wrapped my arms around your waist.

At that moment, I felt happy because I felt a big weight off of my shoulders.
The simple feeling of you in my arms made all my troubles go away.

"I love you Yoongi"

Then I cried.
It was a mix of tears of joy and sadness.
I know.
Confusing right?

I remember Namjoon and Hoseok smiling at me like idiots as they witnessed the intimate moment.

I remember flashing a middle finger at their faces and mouthing the word 'leave' to them.

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