#49 The Countdown- Day Two (Part I)

Start from the beginning

"No" she answers and that's it. No more words. She made us clear that she won't leave.

She crosses her arms in defiance reminding me of a petulant teenager.

"You wish my help and ask for my trust but you don't involve me in the war. How can I trust you Ava?" She questions and without giving me a chance to reply, "I'm staying." she states and looks directly at me.

I sigh and turn back at Kael. I have had too much. Christie will always stay with Regina so I don't think Iwill have to worry about her.

"I think I know why James was attacked."

One line and suddenly I forget all about my tough time and petulant adults.

"Why?" I question back and Kael takes a deep breath before digging something out of his pocket.

He produces a folded paper and a handkerchief in a plastic sealed packet.

Just then Xander arrives with Elias and they both look at us with questioning glances before I ask them to come forward to us and tell them that Kael has some information.

"What is this?" Elias asks standing behind me at a distance.

Kael unfolds the paper and reveals a map the one used by Elias and Xander to explain our plan.

"It's the map alright, so?" I asked looking at the map in his hand and at the plastic packet.

"I found this, deep in the forest while I was out patrolling in the morning." he explains and that brings all of our attentions towards the map in his hand.

"So you mean the mole used this map to reveal your plan to my father?" Regina questions from the same spot she was standing before. Xander turns and looks at her angrily as he glares at her and then at me.

"What is she doing here?" He grits out but I cut him off.

"What this has to do with them attacking James?" I question rather than answering Xander.

"I found this map and this handkerchief at a distance of few meters. It must not be a coincidence that this smells of James." He speaks holding the packet a little higher and waving it a little. "James was attacked by them. I think he is the mole. After he sold out our plan they thought to kill him so that we won't be able to find it out." Kael finishes and Elias growls from behind me.

Snatching the packet out of Kael's hand, he rips off the seal and sniffs at it. He sniffs again as if not believing the first time and takes a step back.

From my hindsight I see Rikon and Mischa entering the room and they both stiffen at all the attention and tension in the room.

"I asked him to spy for us earlier. It must be that reason. I don't think he is the mole even if this smells like him." Elias declares and I nod. That's true, earlier Elias asked James to attend the meeting and keep an eye on hunters.

He did spy on them a while back. But we can't be sure for now. Also from past few days, even I have generated some doubts over him. There are lots of questions and uncertainties over him. So I can never be so sure.

"Who knows, he must be the one double crossing us?" Kael accuses grasping the map out of Elias's hand in his.

"I believe in him." Elias argues as their gazes set in a hard glare warning each other to back off. But both of them being headstrong, didn't back down.

"Guys stop!" Mischa intervenes but Rikon holds her waist and pulls her back towards him, keeping her on his side sternly. She glares at nothing in particular but relaxes against his hold.

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