#48 The Countdown- Day Four and Three

Start from the beginning

I give one last look at James who had finally moved from his spot and had grabbed one of Aaron's warriors by his neck. I give a once over at the two other troops of my side. It looks like a fight between equals no one is backing down. 

I sigh quickly hiding behind a tree maintaining safe distance so that the warriors won't smell me. 

One of those four hunters now had clear view of James and he aimed his arrow right at him.

In record time I aim the branch in my hand and throw it hitting it right on the hunters hand. It threw him off guard and he skidded against the rough ground of forest. It distracted him but that was not enough. 

He grabbed it quickly this time aiming it at me but before he could shoot I reach out to him and grab the bow off his hands. He wastes no time and suddenly produces a gun and shoots me. With such close distance and this unexpected attack bought me to the brim of pain. 

Lina clawed inside me to come out. I try to subdue her urges to come out but her will was so strong that it broke through my resistance resulting into partial transformation. 

My clawed hands which were no more in my control and grabbing the hunter I puncture his neck. 

He cries loudly drawing attention towards us and I see the other hunters now aiming at me. 

Not only that, I see the warriors glaring at me and before one could think of anything, I rip hunter's throat and stab him on his heart using my claws before throwing him off. 

My warriors were alerted too as they quickly came to cover me up, protecting me from the Aaron's warriors. 

I climb the nearest tree and jump from one to another as quickly as I can so that I can't be the next aim of the hunters. 

I need to move.

My over confidence beat us over this time. I should have been careful. Killing him that way, I alerted others and put Melanie and Elijah's life in danger too.

A string of arrows passed through me and I dodged them easily, before I realized, that they are not aiming it at me. 

I look back and see that James and Nick were distracted trying to protect me.

The arrow moved swiftly and it passed me with few inches. Before I could react, it hit its target and I fell right off the tree I was standing on. 

The arrow hit Nick's hand giving Aaron's warrior an upper hand. 

I balance my body and shift fully, jumping on the warriors to help Nick. 

I pull Nick as he howls in pain and throw him aside with a force. I take the blow as Aaron's warrior attacked my back.  

I growl loudly stilling their movements for a micro second and without thinking clutch one of the warriors on his leg using my sharp canines and use my lower body strength to throw him off balance. 

That was the time I needed to get a hold of the situation and quickly stand up. 

I easily claw one of them in their neck snap his head. He stills and falls on the ground with blood spitting out of his head. I glare at the other warrior and step back as he jumps at me. 

I too jump grabbing him in mid air, but because of the gunshot wound my movements slow down giving Aaron's warrior a chance and he rips my skin. 

Understanding that I am injured he aims at my wound and drags his sharp canine right on the wound digging his teeth deep in my wound. 

I howl even louder as I try to take hold of the situation. 

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