#46 The Countdown- Day Six

Start from the beginning

“Who is she?” Xander asks and looks at his Beta who is silently sitting beside him.

“This is Regina she is Aaron's daughter” I answer in monotone with a very bored look. Fortunately he dismissed the topic and instead of asking more about her he diverted his attention to matter in hand.

“Aaron was always involved with the human company. He kept on supporting them and asked them to create the poison”

“Why?” a very calm but heavy voice speaks and I raise my head away.

It was Rikon. From the time he has entered in my territory this was the first time I heard him talk. Otherwise he kept silent and stood attentively absorbing everything. 

“I don't have the answer for this question. All I know is that he is fooling others in joining him and I believe there is some personal motive behind this.” I finish and let others soak the information I just gave them. 
“But I have found out a detail that you might be interested in Xander” I take a deep breath and release it before clutching Elias's hand in mine.

“Aaron is also involved in kidnapping your mate” 

My office stays silent for a long time before Xander simply stands and leaves my office without saying anything. Rikon follows after him leaving only Regina, Elias and Kael with me in my Office.

The tension between these two is palpable. The hidden distaste for each other isn't exactly hidden from me but I try to divert their minds away from each other's presence. 

“How do you know all this? Oh wait, wrong question. Of course your brother is too good at sneaking” Elias sneers and I squeeze his hand tightly glaring at him to make him stop. 

“No, Regina helped me.” I answered and see Regina nodding from the place she stood. 

“What is your theory? Why do you think Aaron was preparing for a war?” Elias questions making me smile. I knew this question was coming. 

“It's really simple, you know. We are werewolves who are divided on the basis of power. Aaron is an arrogant man who considers himself powerful. His behavior with his junior authorities and the way he thinks that females are inferior is enough proof that he considers himself as a superior power”

“So now he wants to control everyone?” Elias asks and I nod in agreement. 

“He wants to kill the potential rulers so that he can setup a monarchy. But he knows fighting with you or Xander or even James wasn't easy because all three of you had some sort of strength. You have power and Xander had group of strong healers and James is an elemental”

“So he looked for other ways to kill the potential rulers. He aimed at Xander first, kidnapping the strongest healer and then asked the human company to create poison so that no one can stand against him? So this is all just a fight for power?” Elias questions.

“Yes, it was before I came into picture. Honestly I made his job easy. I became his reason for immediate war and gain alliances to guarantee his success. And his involvement with humans and creation of the poison all he bent to make it look like he is doing the right thing so the Alphas went along with it and made everyone stand against us” I explain. Elias looks at the floor probably contemplating something and nods after a minute. 

“Why didn't you mention this in front of Xander?” Regina asks and I smirk. 

“He is little old but an intelligent man and I need his mind tricks to win the war. I can't reveal a lot to him if I need him” I explain. 

“Kael I need updates on Lillian. Bring them before the day ends.” I dismiss him as he stands and leaves with Regina on his toe. 

“Regina? Can you send Ron in?” I ask and Regina nods before closing the door. 

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