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So first off I am so sorry I have not been posting, I don't think I will be anytime soon. So I really need to get a rant out so if you don't want to read then leave if you are curious why I have not been updating then read.

So for privacy reasons I will be changing names.

So about a year ago I meant a girl in my drama class named Rose. Now Rose was shy and a little bit weird like me so we hit it off well. Flash forward into mid December, Rose started to touch me inappropriately. I always told her stop, that I don't like it. She never listened. She would alway touch my butt or cresce my thighs. I always told her to stop I made it clear that I didn't like it.

Flash forward to this year. In less then the two months school has been in she has touch my boobs, I have been pushed into a corner and she rub her crouch on my butt twice both times I was in a position I couldn't fight back in. She has threatened to kiss me, she would slap my ass, she makes sexual comments like have an orgy with me, and I finally snap after dealing with this for a year I told the office.

Now I thought the office would deal with this seriously but they didn't even call Rose's mom they did t even call my mom to them what happened. Rose stopped talking to me but the only problem is I have two classes with her, foods and English. Now with foods we have little groups and she is in my group so I kinda have to talk with her for the stake of the rest of our group. And English I sit right beside her.

Now I really don't feel comfortable sitting next to Rose  even if nothing has happened since I am still afraid of her. She put me through so much shit I was scared to go to school. Now I asked my English teacher that me and Rose have a different past but everything is resolved I just don't feel safe sitting next to her in class. My English teacher then went to the office and me and Rose got called down.

The office told me to get over it, she fucking made my life a living hell she touched me and I have told her no countless times and they told me to get over it. They told me she has a disorder so she doesn't understand "NO" but how can someone not understand no? The office told me that since nothing has happened I should let it go, but how can I let go when I flink away from my other friends when they go to hug me because I don't trust anyone anymore. I got told I should have came in soon and that I was really just leading her on. I said  no so many times I told her to stop" "don't touch my body " how is that leading her on?

You know what piss me off the most the office is run by lady's, the men that work at the school last year would have dealt with this better. The office is making it see, like I am over reacting. The worst thing is Rose has never said sorry for all the hurt and pain she has caused me. I honestly don't think I am over reacting,

That's the end of my rant, do you think I'm over reacting?

Thanks for reading

- Insane

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