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Thank you.

The moment it happens:
He had his lips on another girl, that asshole! I loved him and he cheated on me with Lilith, I felt the tears build up in my eyes as I walked over and sucker punch him in the face. "YOU LYING BASTERD I LOVED YOU AND YOU CHEATED ON ME" I yelled as I ran off to find Paige and Emily. Once I saw Paige I just hugged her and started to cry "he cheated on me" I got out in a very broken voice, Paige just hugged me and didn't let go, not even when Emily showed up with Andrew, I pulled myself together and let go of Paige, "let's go" we started to walk towards the exit Emily  and Andrew got on the motorcycle and waved goodbye as me and Paige walked home. We walked in silence and I was fine with that. We got to my house and Paige pulled me in for one more hug " I will see you tomorrow ok" she said I just gave a very weak nod. I walked into my house not saying anything I slammed on to my bed and cry till I fell asleep.

Time skip
The last week has been hell for me, I'm currently locked in my room well the guys record a new video. I slammed my head on my desk, I understand why break ups are so hard. I didn't know that every day you felt something new for example

Day one: shock
You are in shock and it hasn't quite sunk in yet that you lost your love so for that day your in a good mood and not the sobbing mess. For example me and Emily went out to the movies I meant a guy his name Was Bill to be honest he was hot, I came home that day and played cards against humanity. But then comes day two.

Day two: it sinks in
Fuck he's not coming back, that's the only thought that runs through your head. Everything you look at reminds you of your love,  but if you think day two is bad try day three.

Day three: trying
You try and you try, but no matter how hard you try you just can't get over them. You detract your self with fried a and loved ones but you can't help but think what did I do wrong. But then comes day four.

Day four: depression
Oh how lovely depression is. Because you try to be happy but no matter what the hurt and the lost always come back to you. But day five is the worst.

Day five: hitting the bottom
Because It gets harder the more days pass. The fact that you loved someone who didn't love you back hurts, you hit rock bottom and you can't get back, all you think about is your ex, why did they leave, why did Michel cheat on me was my only thought I locked everyone out I didn't talk, I didn't think it could get any worse oh but was I wrong because when day six comes.

Day six: act
I have to act like I'm fine, don't let them know, the whole day is an act "how are you?" "How are you holding up?" All you do is throw on a face smile and say "fine" no matter how broken you are inside. Day six feels like the longest day of your life. Then comes day seven.

Day seven: fuck it

"Fucked I'm done there is nothing I can do" you finally realized that all you have to do is fuck it, you broke up and now you have to suck it up.

That's the week of the break up all those feelings, but I have to get over it but I don't think I can. I loved Michel but he cheated, "uggg" I slammed my journal shut and face planted on my bed. I closed my eyes and drift off to sleep.


So this chapter was based off of when I went through my breakup and what I felt like I had to do, I'm giving you all a warning the next chapter is going to deal with some very heavy material so sorry, but anyways That's was my chapter! hope you enjoyed reading it, vote or comment if you would like to, I truly hope to see you in the next chapter!!!!


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